The opening of the Hangzhou Asian Games is imminent. The People's Daily of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China quoted a sarcasm to promote the beauty of Hangzhou on Weibo, which was criticized by netizens.

The People's Daily (September 11) launched a topic on Sina Weibo "#<<<<<<", which is the countdown of the Hangzhou Asian Games will be created on September 23.

In Weibo, the People's Daily quoted the title of Lin Sheng's inscription of the poet Lin Sheng in the Southern Song Dynasty: "When is the West Lake singing and dance?State. "Many Chinese official media accounts also forwarded Weibo.

The title Lin'an Di was included in the textbook of the Fifth Grade of the People's Education Press.The original meaning of this poem did not praise the scenery of Hangzhou, but used the "direct Hangzhou as a Luzhou" to ironically the court of the Southern Song Dynasty who did not think for aggressiveness, drunk, and died, expressing the dissatisfaction of the poet and the concerns of the national nation's fate.

The Weibo of the People's Daily has aroused heated discussion on the Internet. Some netizens questioned that the editor's cultural level was low, and even primary school students were not as good as.

At present, the content of the original Weibo has been deleted by the People's Daily, and other Chinese official media reposted by them have deleted the content.