With the implementation of a series of economic stable growth policies, the development index of small and medium -sized enterprises in China has risen for the third consecutive month, which is higher than the same period last year, but it is still below the critical value of prosperity.

According to the Hong Kong News Agency, the China SME Association announced on Monday (September 11) that with the implementation of the economic growth policies such as expansion of domestic demand, tax reduction, private enterprises, and living capital, the implementationIn August, the development index of small and medium -sized enterprises in China was 89.4, an increase of 0.1 points from July.

It is reported that this is the third month in a row after rising in June and July, respectively.This data is higher than the same period last year, and it is the same as the same period in 2021, but it is still below the critical value of the prosperity.

In the sub -item index of the development index of SMEs, the macroeconomic experience index, comprehensive business index, market index, and investment index have all increased for three consecutive months.

According to the branch industry, the industrial index has risen for three consecutive months, of which the production index and domestic and foreign order indexes have risen.In addition, the transportation and postal storage industry index rose for four consecutive months, and the social service industry and accommodation and catering industry index rose for two consecutive months. The main reason for the driving of summer consumption to the service industry was the main reason.

Data also show that the start of the construction of small and medium -sized enterprises has improved slightly, and the proportion of enterprises that have started completely.A survey of the operating rate of sample enterprises showed that 45.45%of the enterprises started in August, an increase of 1.7 percentage points from the previous month.