Hou Youyi, the Kuomintang presidential candidate in Taiwan on Wednesday (Wednesday (Wednesday (Wednesday (August 16) The election sign was announced as "2024", saying that 2024 is the most critical year in Taiwan, and vowed to achieve political party rotation.

Comprehensive Taiwan Economic Daily Free Times reported that Hou Youyi's campaign office held a press conference on Wednesday (August 16) and announced Hou Youyi's campaign sign.In addition to the photos of Hou Youyi and the number of "2024", there are also texts such as "political party rotation", "Taiwan again" and "Anju and Yueye".

Office spokesman Li Lizhen said that "2024" shows a thick and stable sense of dark blue and thick black fonts. It represents Hou Youyi's most reliable policy and allows Taiwan to live in peace.The murderous clouds of the soldiers are peaceful and stable on both sides of the strait.She said that the future campaign logo will be paired with different combinations such as other texts and English versions.

Hou Youyi also posted on Facebook on Wednesday that 2024 is a very critical year for Taiwan. Taiwan will move towards war or peace, it will move forward steadily or stagnate.The Taiwan election will decide everything.

Hou Youyi said that 2024 will also be remembered by history.In order to strengthen Taiwan and protect the "Republic of China", we must remove the corruption and incompetent governors. "We have all participated in this magnificent party rotation action."

He also said that the times have changed rapidly, and the challenges of internal and external challenges are becoming more and more difficult. Only by joining the Kuomintang's leading party rotation, the desire of the Taiwanese people live in peace and career will be realized.

However, in many polls as of August, Hou Youyi still lags behind two other presidential candidates Lai Qingde and Ke Wenzhe.More and more voices believe that it is difficult for the Kuomintang to play a dominant role to integrate in the wild forces to form an alliance to jointly remove the Governance of the DPP.