中共中央机关刊物求是杂志官网星期二(8月15日)刊发中共总书记习近平的谈话,其中提到习近平批评西方国家的现代化过程,“充满战争、贩奴、殖民、Bloody evils such as plundering. "

According to the Qishuang.com, this article entitled Chinese -style modernization is an article with Kangzhuang Avenue, which is the construction of a strong country and a national rejuvenation.Leading cadres learn to implement Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics and part of the speech of the 20th spirit of the party.

Xi Jinping said that what kind of modern path a country choose is determined by many factors such as its historical traditions, social systems, development conditions, and external environments.The national conditions are different, and the modernization channels will be different.He pointed out that practice has proved that a country's moving towards modernization must not only follow the general law of modernization, but also meet the actual situation of the country and have its own characteristics.Chinese -style modernization has both the common characteristics of modernization in various countries, but also the distinctive characteristics of its own national conditions.

Xi Jinping mentioned that the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly summarizes the Chinese characteristics of the five aspects of Chinese -style modernization, namely the modernization of the huge population, the modernization of all the people, the material civilization, and spiritual civilization.Coordinated modernization, modernization of harmony between man and nature, and the modernization of peaceful development.

In terms of the wealthy modernization of all the people, Xi Jinping said that this is the essential characteristics of Chinese -style modernization, and it is also a significant sign that distinguish between Western modernization.The biggest disadvantage of Western modernization is that it is capital -centric rather than the people, and the pursuit of capital interests is to maximize the interests of capital interests rather than serving the interests of the vast majority of people.

Regarding the modernization of the road of peaceful development, Xi Jinping pointed out that adhering to peaceful development, seeking its own development in the firm maintenance of world peace and development, and better maintaining world peace and development with its own development, promoting the construction of human destinyCommunity is a prominent feature of Chinese -style modernization.

Xi Jinping said that the modernization of Western countries is full of bloody evils such as war, slavery, colonial, plunder, and bring deep suffering to developing countries.The Chinese nation has experienced the tragic history of Western powers aggression and insults, and knows the preciousness of peace, and it is impossible to repeat the old path of Western countries.

Xi Jinping emphasized that Chinese -style modernization adheres to independence and self -reliance, relying on the hard work, innovation and development of all people to achieve development and development, and to achieve national development by stimulating the combination of internal vitality with the combination of external resources.Instead of oppressing other ethnic groups and plundering other peoples and wealth, it is the support and help that can be able to provide support for developing countries.