China Fuzhou intends to optimize housing credit policies to reduce the proportion of down payment for some housing groups; Xi'an is also studying and adjusting individual housing loan policies to reduce personal housing loan down payment ratio and loan interest rate policy.

The Shanghai Securities News reported on Tuesday (August 15th) quoted people familiar with the matter that the relevant Fuzhou departments are recently studying and optimizing the adjustment of housing credit policies.At present, the Fuzhou -limited purchase area implements 30%, 40%, and 50%down payment ratios in accordance with the number of housing sets and stock loans.

The buyer who intends to have a house that has already had a house and has not yet been paid for the housing loan, and re -applied for personal housing loans, the down payment ratio has been reduced from the current 50%to 40%.This is mainly to support improving the demand for housing and reducing the pressure on the down payment of house purchase.

It is reported that Xi'an is also studying and adjusting individual housing loan policies to reduce the down payment ratio of personal housing loans and loan interest rate policies in the personal housing loan.The current first -set loan policy in Xi'an is consistent with the national policy of China, but the lower limit of the loan interest rate and down payment ratio policy of the two -suite is higher than that of the national policy.

After the relevant adjustment is adjusted, the down payment ratio of personal housing loans and loan interest rate policies in Xi'an Limited Purchase region will be consistent with the lower limit of the national policy.Specifically: The first set of down payment ratio is not less than 30%, the interest rate is not less than the loan market quotation interest rate (LPR) -20BP, the proportion of the down payment ratio of the second house is not less than 40%, and the interest rate is not less than LPR+60bp.

According to the First Financial Report, the Politburo Conference held on July 24 clearly stated that it was a new situation that adapts to the major changes in the supply and demand relationship of the real estate market, and timely adjust the optimization of real estate policies.Since the "adjustment and optimization of real estate policies", Zhengzhou and other places have issued specific policies for optimizing real estate.

The Zhengzhou Housing Security and Real Estate Administration issued a notice on further promoting the stable and healthy development of the real estate market in our city, including 15 policies, clearly canceled the sales restriction policy, and implemented the "recognition of house recognition.The "policy of recognizing loans, etc., meets the needs of new needs and improving housing.

From the perspective of market analysis, major cities including Zhengzhou and other major cities have continuously optimized and adjusted relevant policies, which has a certain effect on improving market confidence and improving market activity.

The First Financial quoted Dong Ximiao, chief researcher at Zhaolian, analyzed that the current supply and demand relationship of the real estate market in China has changed significantly, the real estate market in some areas is relatively weak, and the consumption demand for residential housing is weak.Therefore, in order to adapt to the new situation and new changes, the timely adjustment and optimization of housing credit policies are not only necessary, but also urgent.