Hou Youyi, the Kuomintang presidential candidate in Taiwan, plans to publish a peaceful declaration on Kinmen on the 65th anniversary of the "823 Artillery War", and may be in the same frame as Hon Hai's founder Guo Taiming.

According to the Taiwan United Daily News on Wednesday (August 16), Hou Youyi currently arranged the itinerary to depart from Songshan Airport to Kinmen at noon on August 22, and return on the afternoon of the 23rd. During the period, in addition to participating in commemorative activities,It will also visit the local area to understand the local needs.Hou Youyi plans to issue a peaceful declaration during the visit of Kinmen, emphasizing that 2024 is a choice of war and peace.

It is reported that Hou Youyi camp invited five legislators Lin Jinjie, Lin Guochun, Ye Yuanzhi, Hong Jiajun, and Liao Xianxiang of New Taipei City.Lin Jinjie said that August 23 is a memorable day. We must feel that the sages who sacrificed that year were now stable and peaceful; Taiwan does not want to be the second in Ukraine.On both sides of the strait, the green camp is not exposed, negotiated, and not compromised. The wisdom and pattern of cross -strait issues have been judged by blue and green.

Lin Guochun, born in Kinmen, said that according to his understanding, Hou Youyi may visit the August 23rd event this year and the 823rd Museum of War and Taibu Mountain soldiers to offer flowers.It is reported that Hou Youyi and Guo Taiming are most likely to be on the same stage at the Taibu Mountain Cemetery.

Lin Guochun said that Hou Youyi will also publish a cross -strait declaration of peace in the small Jinmen, and stated that he has organized the "Golden Gate Men's Police Support Association".Help Hou Youyi.

Guo Taiming, who was fighting for the defeat of the Kuomintang in May this year, is brewing to run for president.Guo Taiming revealed earlier that he will visit Golden Gate on August 23 and publish a "Peace Initiative", proposing a channel for the cross -strait to carry out substantial communication as an advanced version of the peaceful declaration published in May this year.The general assessment believes that Guo Taiming will decide to participate in the Taiwan election on this day and launch a million joint offices to raise the election.