China Beijing Red Cross announced the details of social donation materials on the official website. After the outside world questioned the details of the details, whether the corporate donation of "left hand" and whether the procurement price of the material is higher than the market price than the market priceEssence

China Charity Home Magazine reported on Wednesday (August 9) that the Beijing Red Society "Table Information Information" shows that in July 2023, the Beijing Red Cross purchased rain boots, split raincoats, etc.Sky purchases, each pair of (sets) from 73.5 yuan (RMB, the same below, S $ 13.73) to 74.5 yuan.

However, Chinese charity reporters found that the price of the same type of goods was generally around 30 yuan through search through the online shopping platform.Some netizens questioned: "The number of purchases is starting thousands of pieces, shouldn't it be calculated at the wholesale price? It deserves to be lower than the market price."

Beijing Honghui official website information also shows that in December 2022On the 26th, the institutional spent nearly 740,000 yuan to purchase 485 tents. The unit price of the single tent was 1330 yuan, and the unit price of the cotton tent was 2,250 yuan.In March 2021, the Chinese Red Cross Association was always assigned to a group of cotton tents to the Beijing Red Cross, ranging from 1,760 yuan to 1900 yuan.However, Chinese charity reporters saw on the online shopping platform that most of the tents were around 300 yuan, but the price of some tents was thousands of yuan.

Regarding material procurement, the relevant person in charge of the Beijing Red Association said that the procurement department is handled according to the process of assistance and according to the process."According to the internal regulations of the Municipal Red Association, procurement materials with a price of more than 500,000 yuan must take the public bidding process, and the bidding enterprises explain the price and quality aspects.Procurement related matters. "

A company with close contact with Beijing Red Club is also questioned by the outside world.According to the information of the Beijing Honghui official website, a company named Beijing Wumi Clothing donated materials in May this year, and the acceptance unit was Luxinzhuang Village and Beidahua Village, Zhangjiawan Town, Zhangjiawan District, Tongzhou District., Lu Xinzhuang Village is the registered place of another forestry company under the name of the company's legal representative Ji Lianxu.The "donation date" and "date" of these supplies occurred on May 22, 2023, which means that the day of the day was donated and was accepted on the same day.

The relevant person in charge of the Beijing Red Association said that Wumi Clothing Co., Ltd. has donated several times, and the supplies issued to the relevant villages on May 22 are not the one donated that day."Red will be put into the warehouse first after receiving the supplies. The staff counted, see the quantity, and whether there is a problem with the quality. This takes time.The issue of the place where the enterprise is located, the Beijing Red Association responded, "The donation of enterprises can be ordered, and the donor specifies where to use the donated supplies. This is also the power of the donor.It is not the donation Fang Wumi Clothing Company, which is also normal. "

In addition, the list of members of the Standing Council announced on March 15, 2021, the name" Ji Lianxu "appeared, and the aboveThe company's legal representative is the same name.The Beijing Red Association confirmed that the "Ji Lianxu" in the list is the same person as Ji Lianxu, a representative of Wumi clothing legal person.

The public also questioned that the price of Wumi clothing donated clothes was high, especially the short -sleeved T -shirt with a unit price of 162.97 yuan.The relevant person in charge of the Beijing Red Society said: "Wumu clothing is made of mid -to -high -end products, and all of similar products are out of the warehouse and sales records. There is no false price price."Wumi clothing donation is self -produced.Regarding how the prices of these supplies are determined when donating, He Guofe, a lawyer of Beijing Zhicheng Law Firm, said that the relevant laws clearly stipulate that the value of the supplies donated by the fair value is not the donor to open the price.

According to the temporary regulations of Chinese corporate income tax and corporate income tax, corporate public welfare donation expenditures can be deducted when calculating the income tax of the enterprise, but the deduction amount must not exceed 12%of the total profit of the year, and the three -year conclusion shall be allowed to be transferred in three years.Essence

Several provisions (trial) of the Chinese non -profit organization accounting system on the standards of regulatory foundations on the Chinese civilian non -profit organization, as mentioned that they are mentioned in accordance with the "fair value" of donations as the standard for entry.If the donor provides relevant credentials (such as invoices, customs declaration forms, related agreements, etc.), the amount indicated in accordance with the evidence should be used as the value of the account.If the amount indicated by the evidence is relatively different from the fair value of the assets, the assets of the receive should be based on its fair value as their actual cost.

A condolences organized by the Beijing Red Association are also the object of questioning from the outside world.According to the data released by the Beijing Red Association, in June 2023, the "Bo Ai in Beijing, Healthy grass -roots" activities were enrolled for 4,000 yuan, and the event accommodation and meal costs were as high as 2.7452.8 yuan.It is also as high as 880 yuan.

报道称,这些费用引发热议后,北京红会修改了对上述费用的表述,比如“活动住宿及餐费”改为较为笼统的“活动费用”,“桌牌及"Banner production fee" was changed to "activity logo and banner production fee".

The relevant person in charge of the Beijing Red Association explained: "27,000 yuan of activities and accommodation meal fees did not happen in a event, but three activities.More than 30 people conduct free consultations and health screening for villagers in more than 10 villages. Our accommodation is strictly implemented in strict accordance with the standard. The price of each room per night is about 200 yuan. "

About 880Yuan's activity logo and banner production cost, the person in charge said: "Because this activity is a long -term project, it has made several sets of table cards and banners. On average, one banner is more than 100 yuan."