The Korean scientific research team announced the successful synthesis of the first room temperature (normal temperature) normally pressure superconductors LK-99, and the multinational laboratory has conducted a recovery test.A paper published by the research team of Peking University on Tuesday (August 8) stated that the LK-99 materials that were synthesized as the main components of the Korean team papers were not super-conductive.

According to the Daily Economic News, the research team of the Peking University's Quantum Materials Science Center (ICQM) published on the paper pre-printed on this website "ARXIV", showing that its team synthesized LK-99 samples did not performOutstanding.

The team claims that the successful synthetic polycrystalline ceramic sample is consistent with the report of the Korean team, and in some small pieces of fragments, the "semi-suspended" was successfully observed.Essence

Magatically measured the small samples that showed the above phenomenon and the large samples that did not show the above phenomenon. The team found that the samples generally contain a weak and clear soft iron magnetic ingredient, which is enough to explain it in the explanation.The semi -suspension image observed in the vertical magnetic field.

The team said in the papers, "Our measurement does not show that the sample has the Masna effect or zero resistance, so we think the sample does not show superconductivity."

Another otherAccording to interface news statistics, at present, only China has a re -explanation experiment in Beijing, the research team of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Southeast University, Shanghai University, Qufu Normal University, and Peking University.Although there are differences in the experimental results, none of them have been confirmed that the LK-99 is a room temperature superconductor.

Reported that only one characteristic of the experimental results announced at present.For example, the video of Huazhong University of Science and Technology shows the anti-magnetic properties of the LK-99, but the zero resistance attributes are not observed; Southeast University successfully observed the zero resistance below 110K, but it was not found to be completely anti-magnetic. Neither of the two could prove it.LK-99 is a room temperature super conductor.

In the stock market, according to Wind data, Chinese superconducting concept stocks have also changed the previous rise, and 18 ingredients stocks all fluttered on Tuesday.Among them, Belle Electric fell more than 10%, and the national cable test and the Fal victory fell more than 9%.