In response to NATO Group in the joint communiqué, China said that China ’s systematic challenges for NATO, and the Chinese envoy in the European Union criticized the NATO joint bulletin to fill the Cold War thinking and ideological bias, and expressed its resolute opposition to NATO“ East Asia Pacific ”.

According to the WeChat public account of the "Chinese EU" on Wednesday (July 12), a spokesman for the Chinese EU Embassy to make a statement on answering reporters to the NATO summit content in China.

The spokesman criticized the NATO summit.The content of the bulletin involved in China ignores the basic facts, distort and discredit China's position and policy, and China has resolutely opposed and rejected this.

A spokesman said that NATO, as the product of the Cold War, was inferior in history.In the context of the continuous deterioration of the international security situation, NATO, as a regional military group, "not only does not reflect on its own responsibilities, but also blames other countries, constantly dyed out -of -the -finger affairs, create confrontation, and fully exposes its hypocrisy nature.It's clear. "

A spokesman said that NATO repeatedly declared that he was a "nuclear alliance" in the bulletin, which would only further exacerbate regional tensions, and China focused on this.

The spokesman called for NATO to meet the trend of the times, listen to the voices of justice in seeking peace, seeking development, and promoting cooperation, correcting wrong cognition and policies, and playing a constructive role for world peace and stability."China will firmly safeguard its sovereignty, security and development interests, and resolutely oppose NATO 'East Asia Pacific'." Any behavior that harms China's legitimate rights and interests will be resolutely fighting back.

NATO Summit was held on Tuesday (July 11) in the capital of Lithuania Vilnis. Japan, Australia, South Korea, and New Zealand were also invited to attend the meeting by NATO as the Asia -Pacific partner countries.

After the meeting, the 31 State issued a joint bulletin to attack China's "coercion policy" to challenge the security and value of NATO.Precise; deepen strategic partnership with Russia, and "threatened Taiwan" and carried out large -scale arms construction.

In addition, the Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Kishita will hold talks with NATOT Tengberg on the 12th local time and attend the NATO meeting.Japan will be written in the forthcoming NATO cooperation document.