Following the selection of Oriental in New Oriental, the live e -commerce concept stocks of mainland Chinese technology entrepreneurs Luo Yonghao were listed on Tuesday (July 11) to be listed in Hong Kong.

Comprehensive Sina Finance and Interface News reported that the Hong Kong stock listed company Century Ruice officially changed its name to "make a friend holding" on Tuesday, which means that Luo Yonghao's "making friends" has taken the last step in listing.

As early as May of this year, Century Ruike has completed a wholly -owned acquisition of friends, and has all the core IPs of "making friends" and all related accounts.This means that the assets of making friends have been officially injected into the listed company, and the necessary steps of the backdoor listing have been completed.

In the same month, Century Ruike issued an announcement to be renamed. Until the 6th this month, the announcement was released again.The "Century Ruike" was changed to "Be Friends Hldg" and "Having a Friend Holdings", and said that the change will take effect at 9 am on July 11, 2023.

The renamed news boosted, Century Ruike's stock price rose by more than 20%on July 7, closing up 14.67%, and each share was HK $ 1.72 (San 0.29) per share, with a total market value of 23.83 23.83100 million Hong Kong dollars.On July 10, Century Ruike continued to rise in early trading, rising by more than 12%.

After starting at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, I gave a friend to HK $ 1.84, an increase of 4.55%, and the total market value reached HK $ 2.55 billion.

Luo Yonghao officially entered the live broadcast and bring the goods in April 2020, and "made a friend" as the operating team behind him officially appeared.

"Paying a friend" has developed into the head of Douyin Live E -commerce in the past three years, and has a comprehensive organizational management and supply chain system.Influential multi -channel network (MCN) company.

At the same time as "making a friend", Luo Yonghao gradually faded out of the company's management, and continued to operate the "Luo Yonghao" Douyin account with a contract with a contract.

Luo Yonghao said that he will formally return to the technology venture capital circle and will be more energetic into his own AR startup "fine red line".