The new "Internet celebrities" on the Internet of China will count a floating bridge that was demolished a few years ago in Baicheng, Baicheng, Jilin.This private built -built floating bridge made a family of 18 torture. Whether it was the people or the wealth of wealth. In the past few days, the Chinese media pursued the incident.

It turns out that there is a river in a village in the town of Wafang, and the villagers have to bypass dozens of kilometers to cross the river.A villager named Huang Deyi pocked his pocket in 2014 and built a floating bridge on the river.In order to recover the cost of building bridges, Huang Deyi charged the vehicle crossing the bridge: 5 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 1) and 10 yuan for large cars.

The paving of the bridge is a good thing to accumulate merit at first glance, but China's law stipulates that individuals cannot build bridges without permission, let alone collect bridge fees without authorization.

According to Huang De's meaning, in the second year of the built -in of the Pont Bridge, the local water conservancy department began to fine him on the grounds of illegal building. In 2018, the relevant departments forced him to demolish the pontoon.One year later, Huang Deyi was convicted of provocation by the court, sentenced to two years in prison and two years in probation. His 17 relatives were also convicted of provocation.According to him, in addition to a five -year -old child and a child who is in school, everyone else has been sentenced.

The Floating Bridge Case developed here, and immediately awakened people's simple view of justice.Many netizens filled with indignation, obviously the local government's inaction, and did not solve the problem of people's travel difficulties. Instead, it was too ridiculous to follow the crime of provoking people who solved the problem.

Huang Deyi made a bridge, in the end to be convenient or to collect money, all parties have different opinions.He himself argued that he spent 130,000 yuan to build a bridge, and the charges just wanted to recover the cost, and he never forced to collect money. It was the villagers who were "voluntary" and never "no money or no money".

Some interviews with local villagers have confirmed this statement.Villagers from the supermarket said that the pontoon of Huang Deyi's family from the city, sometimes given 5 yuan, sometimes not giving money, the cost of buying the pilling bridge has increased, and the time has been delayed.According to media reports, a villager who was charged the most in the floating bridge case gave the money to Huang Deyi's family after receiving the 20,000 yuan returned by the court.

However, the court believes that Huang Deyi's behavior of receiving bridge fees is strong.According to the court's judgment, he charged 52,950 yuan to cross the bridge.The relevant local departments also pointed out that Huang Deyi's demand for the official bridge was violated.

This case is also involved in scanning and eliminating evil.The Yangcheng Evening News reported that according to the court's judgment, the evidence of the floating bridge, including the clues of the local public security bureau's crowded office, petition materials, etc., it also shows that there are also people who are dissatisfied with Huang Deyi's repair of the bridge and reported to the Black Office.

Netizens who claim to be a nearby village believe that Huang Deyi has the suspicion of "malicious bridge". He dug a pit in the river bed where the car could go, forcing the vehicles to go to the bridge he repaired, and forced to collect the bridge fee.Some public opinion also questioned that a person who can charge the bridge on the place must not be an ordinary person.

Huang Deyi is a good person who is enthusiastic about public welfare, or the wicked man who repaired the bridge, making people see the mist in the clouds.Bullets will fly again, but no matter what direction the result is, the two keywords "mechanical law enforcement" and "grassroots inaction" around the case in the early stage have accurately hit the pain points of Chinese society.The topic of the topic does not have a fever for many days.

After the

The Floating Bridge case was exposed, people first did not agree with the punishment for the Huang Deyi family.Although there is no full reason, netizens still question the mechanical law enforcement of law enforcement agencies.Some public opinion pointed out that the life of the law lies in practice. Although it does not meet the regulations, from the perspective of humanity, the charges of building bridges are characterized as provoking trouble and illegal crimes.The punishment is too rigorous.In the final analysis, there are too many phenomena in Chinese society. In recent years, China has been promoting the construction of the rule of law, but the public still does not trust public power. It still has no confidence in the interests of public power to represent and protect who the benefits of the representatives and the maintenance.

What makes many people question the number is whether the punishment for Huang Deyi is a "shame" that covers the local government with inaction?

In the whole incident, many local government behaviors are puzzling. Huang Deyi's Pont Bridge was completed in 2014. Since it is illegal building and worried about hidden safety hazards, why only fined the bridge for up to four years?The people have the needs of crossing the river. From the perspective of Huang Deyi's 130,000 yuan to build a bridge, the government has come forward to build a legitimate compliance.IntersectionIn fact, the most fundamental reason for the floating bridge case is to face the needs of the masses and the absence of local governments.

Huang Deyi was dissatisfied with the judgment of the decision. The Baicheng Intermediate People's Court of Jilin Province reported on July 8 that the court had already filed a case according to law and is currently under review.Public opinion cannot be judges, right and wrong, but also depends on facts and evidence.Whether Huang Deyi relied on public opinion to successfully turn over the case or his "good people repair good people" completely collapsed, the floating bridge case will be a typical case worthy of considering local officials, and it once again reflects the complexity of China's grass -roots governance.