The research papers of Taiwanese scholar Chen Ruoran proposed that last year, mainland China has been comprehensively loosened by zero -epidemic prevention.It is more focused on the relationship between the Chinese Communist Party and China.

China Financial Center City Shanghai will start a crown disease epidemic since March 2022, but the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (20th National Congress) held in October.EssenceTo this end, the official ordered to insist on dynamic clearance, but it caused a significant impact on the economy, social and people's livelihood.After the 20th National Congress, the official relaxation of the restrictions on epidemic prevention, and the epidemic was out of control, which also caused strong dissatisfaction with the people.

In order to explore how mainland officials persuade the public under the changes in the sharp policy, Chen Ruoran, an associate professor of the Department of Political Economics of Sun Yat -sen University in Taiwan, analyzed through text analysis, reviewed the words of the online version of the People's Daily News of the People's Daily last year, and found that the mainland official media continued to use the nation.Doctrine, consolidate the leadership of the Communist Party of China to enhance the people's confidence in socialist superiority.

At a seminar held by her on Tuesday (July 11) at the Institute of Political Science, the Central Research Institute of Taiwan, the above research results were published.

Taiwan scholar Chen Ruoran (on the stage) research on July 11 shows that mainland China has experienced major events such as the epidemic last year and the 20th National Congress of the Communist PartyHowever, before the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he emphasized the sacrifice of the economy and adheres to the leadership of the "one person, one party" to defeat the epidemic.The CCP has contributed to mainland China over the past century.(Photo by Miao Zonghan)

Chen Ruoran pointed out that during the period of outbreak of Shanghai and the official insistence on dynamic clearance policies, the official media reported that the Chinese government made the unremitting efforts to protect the lives of the people during the epidemic, and highlighted the "Lie "" attitude.

Studies have also found that in the face of the dilemma between economic development and epidemic control, official media constantly emphasized that at the expense of the economy, it is necessary to place saving and life -saving.Unified leaders can defeat crown diseases, etc. to promote Chinese -style modernization.

Chen Ruoran believes that this shows that the CCP has changed its economic results as the ideological propaganda model of its legal basis after reform and opening up, and has changed to strengthening content such as life first and Sinicization of Marxism.

However, she also found that after the 20th National Congress, the official loosening of epidemic prevention measures, and the economic "steady growth" once again became the focus of official media publicity; the report has also begun to significantly reduce the highest leader, instead emphasizing the CCP and contemporary China.Development relationship.

She believes that this change means that the official has realized that the long -term impact of economic recession on political stability, and at the same time, the discourse of nationalism returns to historical and cultural heritage.The legitimacy of governance.