(Beijing Comprehensive News) The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) led by China said that internal review reports did not find evidence that the Chinese government had an improper impact on the bank's decision -making.

Bob Pickard, director of the Asian Investment Bank Communications Department, issued a tweeter in social media last month, accusing the Asian Investment Bank management of "dominated by the Communist Party" and said the bank's work culture was "extremely harmful."

Comprehensive Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg reported that the internal review report published by the AIIB on Friday (July 7) described the evaluation in detail, and said that Big Bo's allegations were "incorrect."

The AIIB also said that Bigbo rejected the interview request, but said that he provided a written material before Monday (July 3).The bank said that it has not received relevant materials.

When responding to the media's comments, Bigbo reiterated the allegations of the Communist Party's influence of the AIIB, and added that he had completely refused to participate in the AIIB after notifying the situation to the Canadian government.

After the Canadian Big Bo made the above -mentioned allegations last month, the Canadian government stopped the activities in the Asian Investment Bank and investigated these allegations.Relevant investigations are still ongoing.

The AIIB officially started operation in 2016. It is a multilateral loan institution created by China, focusing on supporting the construction of Asian infrastructure.