The National Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced that the latest research results of Tianwen No. 1 confirmed that the wind and sand activity records the changes in the ancient Mars environment with the axle and the glacier period.Learn.

According to CCTV news reports, international academic journals naturally released the latest research results of China Tianwen No. 1 on Thursday (July 6), sayingThe evidence confirmed that Fengsha activities recorded the changes in the ancient Mars environment with the axis and glacier period.

Among the planets of the solar system, Mars is the most similar to the earth. The status and evolutionary process of Mars is considered to represent the future of the earth.The role of wind and sand has shaped the wind and sand landforms and deposition widely distributed on the surface of Mars, and recorded the process of the late Martian evolution and the process of modern climate environmental characteristics and climate change.But humans know very little about the process and records of Mars wind and sand.

In this regard, Li Chunlai, the National Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the combination of task engineering teams such as the Institute of Geology and Earth Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the University of Brown University, and Tianwen No. 1 to extract the shape, surface structure, material composition, etc.Information, analyzing its instructions of wind direction and development age, found that the wind farm in the landing area has changed significant layer of evidence, and has a good consistency with the record of the ice dust covering layer distributed by the high latitudes of Mars, revealing the Zhu Rong landing area areaIt may go through two major climate stages marked by wind direction.

The research team said that the change of this climate occurred at the end of Mars about 400,000 years ago, which may be due to the changes in the rotation axis inclination.A global climate change that occurred in the "ice-inter-ice period" occurred.This research helps to enhance human understanding of the history of Mars, provides a new perspective for the study of Mars climate, and also provides a reference for the future climate evolution direction of the earth.