Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and Chinese President, emphasized that Jiangsu has the advantages of industrial foundation, rich science and education resources, excellent business environment, and huge market size., Demonstration.

According to China CCTV news report, Xi Jinping accompanied by Xin Changxing and governor Xu Kunlin, the secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee from July 5th to 7th, came to Suzhou, Nanjing and other places to go deep into the industrial parks and enterprises., History and cultural districts, science laboratories, etc. conduct research.

Xi Jinping emphasized during his inspection in Suzhou Industrial Park that high -tech parks assume a significant and glorious historical mission in the self -reliance of science and technology.In -depth integration, improve the transformation and industrialization level of scientific and technological achievements, and continuously cultivate new industries with new technologies and lead industrial upgrading.We must continue to expand international cooperation and strive to build an open and innovative world -class high -tech park.

Suzhou Industrial Park is the first intergovernmental cooperation project in Singapore and China. It will usher in the 30th anniversary of construction next year.

Xi Jinping also went to Nanrui Group, a high -tech enterprise in the energy Internet field of State Grid Corporation to conduct investigations and investigations.He said that energy guarantee and security affairs are the biggest of the country that must not be ignored. It is necessary to accelerate the promotion of key technologies, the iteration upgrade of core products, and the intelligent empowerment of new technologies, and improve the national energy security and guarantee capabilities.

He also heard the work report of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, and affirmed the achievements of various work in Jiangsu. I hope Jiangsu will achieve a new breakthrough in scientific and technological innovation, and show it in the strong chain supplementary chain chain chain.New actions.

Xi Jinping emphasized that Jiangsu must be at the forefront of guaranteeing and improving people's livelihood and promoting modernization of social governance.It is necessary to accelerate the improvement of the social security system, improve the employment promotion mechanism and the employment public service system, and do a good job of employment of key groups.

Xi Jinping said that the country is about to enter the key period of "seven or eight" flood prevention, and River Lake Lake will face a serious threat to flood disasters during the main flood season.At the same time, some places have severe drought, and the risk of forest fire has increased.All departments and departments should be based on preventing floods, fighting droughts, saving disasters, adhere to the people's supremacy, life first, and be responsible for guarding the soil, responsibility for the land, and abide by their responsibilities.Disaster hidden dangers inspection and danger, make various emergency preparations in advance, and strive to minimize various types of losses.

He also emphasized that party organizations at all levels should educate and guide party members and cadres to implement the requirements of "emphasis on practice", and to build the view of the people's political performance, not to be greedyReal tricks are effective, do not engage in China, are not true, speculate, and data are faked; insist on fighting the foundation, do not engage in quick success, exhaustion, and labor and the people.The spirit of enthusiasm for entrepreneurship, doing their duties and responsibilities, we will face difficulties, dare to fight, and seriously rectify the negative phenomena such as heavy fear of heavy, lying flat, perfunctory responsibilities, and passing.