Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank said that internal censorship did not find evidence of improper decision -making.Earlier, a former employee of the bank accused the Chinese government led the institution.

According to Bloomberg News, a report released by the AIIB on Friday (July 7) described the evaluation in detail, saying that the charges of Bob Pickard, director of the original Asian Investment Bank Communications Department,The basis is incorrect. "

The AIIB said that the performance and behavior before Bigbo resigned.The evaluation report states that a committee will be established to solve the problem of employee appeal mechanisms and put forward suggestions for improving the culture of workplace.

Big Bo, a Canadian national, posted a post last month, saying that he resigned because the AIIB was dominated by Chinese officials, "with the most toxic culture that can be imagined."The Canadian government subsequently announced that it would be freezing with the AIIB and investigated the allegations.

It is concerned about the performance and behavior of the AIIB, and Bigbo responded on Friday that some employees of the bank "carried out the long -lasting unpleasant harassment activities."

According to reports, the AIIB said that Big Bo was invited to participate in the review, but he did not receive his written opinions.Bigbo responded on Twitter that he would not participate, because the process was not independent and emphasized that he was cooperating with the investigation of Canadian government officials.