The People's Bank of China on Friday (July 7) formulated and issued the management measures for the deposit account of the Central Bank to regulate the transparency, fairness and acquisition of central bank deposit account services and management, and improve the central bank's currency settlement services.Pay attention to strengthening risk control and control of key links.

According to the news released by the central bank's website, the formulation of the above methods, the rule of law management and service of the central bank's deposit account, optimize the service functions of the central bank account, enhance the ability to prevent funds, and better realize China to better realize ChinaIt is of great significance for the People's Bank of China's monetary policy goals and maintaining financial stability.

A total of 43 methods have unified the classification, account opening conditions and evaluation standards of the central bank's deposit account, and improved the predictability and convenience of obtaining the central bank account service;, Change, revoke and use management requirements, and implement the full life cycle management of the account.

Methods focus on strengthening the risk management and control of key links, standardize proxy settlement and account security management requirements, which will help reduce the risk of capital settlement of central bank deposit accounts and ensure business continuity.At the same time, from the perspective of providing account services and account opening agencies, the People's Bank of China is clearly clarified to clarify the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the two parties as an equal civil subject as an equal civil subject.

Next, the People's Bank of China will conscientiously do a good job of implementing the work, further enhance the quality and efficiency of the central bank's deposit account management and service, and promote the steady and healthy development of the central bank's deposit account business.