(Shenzhen Comprehensive News) Anti -rating of Chinese bank stocks under the release of a report on Wall Street giants Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs, which triggered a selling wave of Chinese bank stocks listed in Hong Kong. Chinese official media issued a rare name to criticize Goldman Sachs.Bank of Air China, "the fundamentals of Chinese banks are not advisable."

China Official Media Securities Times published an article on Friday (July 7), in response to Goldman Sachs proposed in the research report, some Chinese banks have large local debt and real estate risk exposure to say that banks have actively lowered real estate risks, Local governments are also increasing their efforts to resolve debt risks.

Goldman Sachs issued a research report on the Chinese banking industry on Tuesday (July 4), saying that the debt of Chinese local governments is huge and there is a certain risk of breach of contract.Profit losses.Goldman Sachs has raised the rating of Agricultural Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Industrial Bank to "sell".As soon as the report came out, the Chinese bank stocks led the decline, and the Hong Kong Hang Seng Hong Kong Stock Connect China Bank Index's index of China fell 3.6%on Thursday (July 6), close to the four -month low.

According to the Shanghai Securities Journal, Goldman Sachs responded on Thursday, and the research report was not singing off -bank shares, nor did it assume that local government debt defaults.On the contrary, Goldman Sachs believes that local government debt risks are controllable, but it is believed that this has an impact on bank profits, but the influence of each family has different influences.

In response to Goldman Sachs, the Securities Times stated that no matter what the statement, Goldman Sachs's conclusion is still clear, and the five banks give "selling" and three "neutral" rating.

Bloomberg proposed in the report on Friday that the high -profile refutation of Chinese official media was hoping to suppress the market's negative emotions. It also showed that in addition to concerns about the rising debt pressure and rising financial pressure, Beijing was also disturbed by the weakening of investors' confidence.