(Beijing Reuters) data shows that China's new house prices in June fell for the second consecutive month, and housing sales may continue to weaken.

According to Reuters, data released by the China Index Research Institute on Saturday (July 1) showed that the average price of new houses in 100 cities in China fell by 0.01%in June, the same as the decline in May.However, the average price in the first half of this year increased by 0.01%over the same period last year.

The middle finger research institute said that in the first quarter of demand was promoted, market confidence gradually recovered, and prices seemed to be recovering.However, in the second quarter, the pace of market recovery slowed down, and the price increased power was insufficient.

Over the past two years, China's real estate industry has experienced serious debt crisis.Although the government launched hundreds of measures to support the industry, and the strict restrictions on the crown disease epidemic in December last year, investors' positive emotions were only short -lived.

The middle finger research institute said that if policy support is limited, it will be difficult to improve the confidence of buyers.