Entering the Potala Palace with a history of more than 1300 years, Tibetan believers wearing traditional clothing lying down on the ground worshiped; less than one meter away, more than 10 passengers who also wore Tibetan clothes and microphones also led more than 10 passengersIntroduce the history of the Potala Palace, the narrow aisle is squeezed into the water; the people's daily life and tourism economic activities are only separated by a thin segmentation rope.

Tourism is one of the most important pillar industries in the Tibet Autonomous Region, accounting for nearly one -third of the GDP (GDP) in the region.Tibet was affected by the epidemic last year, and the number of travelers fell to the lowest level in five years. From 41.534400 in 2021, it decreased sharply to 3.07600;40.707 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 7.61 billion).

After China's loosening policies, Tibet set up about 8%of economic growth targets this year, and the target growth rate ranked second among 31 provinces and regions in China.In order to restart the economy, the Tibetan government vigorously promoted the recovery of the tourism industry this year, and the China State Council Information Office also invited more than 10 foreign media reporters, including Lianhe Zaobao, to visit the Tibetan capital Lhasa and Shannan City.

Tibet began to re -open tourist attractions such as the Jokhang Temple and the Potala Palace after the epidemic at the end of last year, and started to promote passenger return from the beginning of the year.The crowded crowd of Potala Palace reflects the rapid recovery of the Tibet tourism industry.According to the interpreter, Potala Palace has returned significantly during the "May 1st" period this year. At present, the limited number of limited visits every day every day is almost full. Passengers have to make an appointment to visit about one week before they can visit.

According to official data, the first quarter of this year, Tibet has accumulated over 2.55 million tourists at home and abroad, achieving a total tourism income of 2.03 billion yuan, surpassing the same period before the 2019 epidemic.

Batcon Street, two kilometers away from the Potala Palace, also reproduces the lively scene before the epidemic.A long dragon arranged outside the famous Jokhang Temple; a large number of travelers in the square were holding a selfie rod, and some even hired professional photographers to sit on the ground that was hotly shot by the sun.

Tibet tourism has begun to flourish since the 1980s, becoming a pillar industry.However, in 2008, the riots in Lhasa severely damaged the tourism industry. During the 10 years, as the split forces were gradually controlled and social security recovered, passengers returned year by year.After the riots in 2008, the development of the Tibet tourism industry was given more important political mission. It was not only an important way for China's development of the Tibetan economy, but also one of the ways to promote Tibetan and Han nationality exchanges and promote national unity.

Tibet promotes tourism development The dilemma of cultural protection

Over the past few decades, the tug of tap between the development of Tibet tourism and the protection of traditional culture has continued to attract external attention.Some opinions believe that a large number of passengers enter Tibet may make the local area more commercially commercialized and shake the unique traditional culture of Tibet.

The traditional Tibetan -style dwarf buildings in Bayuan Street are hung with bilingual shop signs in Chinese and Tibetan. In addition to generally buying local products, modern Internet celebrity culture can also be seen everywhere; a section of dozens of meters of streetsThere are at least four travel shops. The clerk loudly solicited customers in Chinese to make styles and trials in Tibetan clothing.

During the interview itinerary, the official repeatedly emphasized local cultural protection measures and tried to respond to external criticism.The Potala Palace restricts 7,000 passengers every day, and the Tibetans of the Chaosha are not counted among 7,000 passenger places.In order to protect the architectural structure of the ancient palace, passengers do not allow staying to take photos after entering the main palace, and they may leave within one hour.Let's separate.

Gonggagzasi, deputy director of the Potala Palace Management Office, emphasized in an interview with the United Zard: "The people who visited the visiting process were followed by their visit.Conflict. "

The Jokhang Temple was open to the Buddhas in the morning. It was only open for visitors to visit in the afternoon. During the visiting tour, some areas were blocked by iron nets to prohibit passengers from entering.

For the development of Lhasa, passengers have different views.When it comes to the difference between Lhasa and other tourist attractions, Xu Fuhua (pseudonym, 64 years old) from Tianjin (pseudonym, 64 years old) bluntly said "almost the same."

He takes the Potala Palace as an example: "The attractions are a bit overwhelming, but maybe it is because it is a special place and a very sensitive place, so it can be understood."

Huang Juanda (32 years old) from Hainan believes that compared with other cities in China, Lhasa's cultural protection work is better."Now many cities have been commercialized, and there are many foreign modern things. Slowly there is no local culture, but Tibet can still see many shops such as Buddha beads, or local characteristics."

The tourism industry drives the surrounding development of Lhasa

Driven by Lhasa, the tourism economy in the surrounding areas has gradually developed.Nimu County, which is more than two -hour drive from Lhasa, has developed into a ink and ink gallery scenic spot. The traditional Tibetan incense production process of locals has become a tourist attraction for passengers to check in.This small town with more than 200 Tibetan fragrant professional producers can attract hundreds of passengers to visit in the peak season.

The 65 -year -old villagers Dunzhu made Zang incense purely on the lawn. When a large number of reporters watched and filmed, Don Zhu was calm, and it seemed that he was familiar with the media interviews.He also has a official title- "Zangxiang Making Production Skills Regional Representative".

Don Zhu is as unaccompanied as many old Tibetans, and must communicate with reporters through the officially arranged translation.When the reporter asked him to raise his voice, Don Zhu suddenly smiled shyly with his tongue, and shrugged gently, revealing the innocent side.

But the reporter tried to inquire about whether the tourism industry affects the daily life of local residents, and the expression of Don Zhu has become restrained again; he emphasizes that "the government has launched a good policy to promote tourism and make many people get rich."

When the reporter asked, the elder who made a living for a living in his life said: "Visitors let me see the world outside. Many people come to the world because they like the local culture."

The world tourist destination with few foreigners

At a bonfire party held for visitors in the Tzhang Queton community in Shannan City, a foreign journalist in the interview group accidentally became the "punching attraction" for local residents.Some people held the baby to take a group photo, and three or four children looked at foreigners curiously, and shouted "Americans!".

The enthusiasm and hospitality of residents also reflect from the side that foreign visitors are very rare in the local area.

Tibet has experienced serious riots in the 1950s, 1980s, and 2008. Although the incident has calmed down for many years, the issue of human rights in Tibet has become a friction point between China and the West from time to time.The official has long been vigilant for this frontier fortress that is dominated by ethnic minorities and bordered to India, Nepal and other countries.

Foreign travelers want to travel to Tibet. In addition to obtaining visas for entry in China, they must also participate in travel agencies' tour groups.You can only enter Tibet for interviews under the official invitation and organization.

During the seven -day itinerary, the interview group was accompanied by local officials in Beijing and Tibet. There were also local public security openings throughout the process, but reporters could freely enter and leave the hotel in the itinerary.Since the officially arranged interview itinerary continued from morning to late at night, the reporter did not have much chance of freely.

Strictly enter Tibetan measures, plusAfter the epidemic, China has not fully relaxed the restrictions on the tourist entry visa of foreigners, making it difficult for foreigners to enter Tibet.The rare situation of foreigners not only appeared in Shannan City. When visiting the city of Lhasa, there were almost no other foreign faces except foreign journalists in the interview group.Many stores around the tourist attractions revealed that they have not seen foreigners visit for about three or four years.

Zhiyan Consulting's report on Tibet's tourism industry pointed out that more than 98%of Tibetan travelers received from China.According to the official statistics of the national economic and social development officially released by Tibet, the proportion of admission passengers before the epidemic in 2019 accounted for 1.35%of the total number of passengers in Tibet. This number fell to 0.03%in 2022.

Hu Jintao, former general secretary of the Communist Party of China, put forward the goal of building Tibet as "important world tourist destinations" at the fifth Tibetan work symposium in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 2010.At the main forum of the Fifth China Tibet Tourism Culture International Expo held in June, Wang Junzheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region, welcomes domestic and foreign merchants to build Tibet as a world tourist destination.

Before the epidemic from 2010 to 2019, Tibet's total tourism revenue increased by more than six times to 55.928 billion yuan; Tibet's GDP also achieved more than doubled.

Scholars: Small scale in the private sector of Tibet

Lai Hongyi, an associate professor at the School of Political and International Relations of the University of Nottingham, analyzed in an interview with the United Morning Post that Tibet is located in the plateau and is far from the transportation of surrounding provinces and national transportation, hindering the flow of trade and personnel at home and abroad.

He pointed out that Tibet's economic development over the past few decades has highly relying on the expenditure and investment of government and state -owned departments. Compared with many other provinces in China, the private sector is small.For Tibet, which lacks the fragile economic and ecological environment, tourism is an extremely important economic field.

Although this autonomous region, which accounts for about one -eighth of China's total area, has developed rapidly, the GDP ranking of 31 provinces and regions in China has continued to stay at the end of the list. The GDP in 2022 reached 213.264 billion yuan.The lowest GDP area.Many public opinion believes that Tibet should relax entry restrictions on foreign passengers in order to further promote the development of the local tourism industry; however, the local entry policy of foreigners has not shown significantly for decades.

Facing the considerations between economic development and stability, perhaps the dazzling political slogan on the large LED screen outside the hotel door has given a clear answer -for the Chinese government, "security is the largest economic benefits"" ".

Scholars: The primary concern of Tibet is security is not economic development

Allen Carlson, deputy professor of Government Department of Cornell University, said in an interview: "Beijing's primary concern to Tibet is safe, not economic development."

He pointed out that the economic development serving the security of Tibet has been officially encouraged, and economic activities that may threaten security will not advance; although foreigners have the potential to bring important sources of income to Tibet, they may also make foreign, maybe ones, possible ones, and may be possible.Do not agree with the perspective of China's official discussion brought into Tibet.

Lai Hongyi judged: "The relationship between Beijing and Lhasa is sensitive and controversial issues between China and the West, and China and India. At present, the relationship between China and the West and India has continued to be tense.Strict control is expected to not relax, and may even be tightened further. "