There are many hot search entries from several days in succession.It is difficult to see that the country that Chinese netizens are most concerned about in the past few days is Russia, which has just changed on Saturday (June 24).In fact, since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine war last year, the popularity of Russia and Russians has been high on the Internet of China, and it has even led to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) face -to -face technology on the Internet."" ".

According to Chinese media such as Surging News, Red Star News, a report on June 16, a soldier "Paul Kococci" who claimed to be on the front line of Russia and Ukraine, in Douyin and KuaishouThe short video platforms released a number of videos of Ukraine and besiege of U.S. Army weapons soldiers on the battlefield.

It is reported that although the video marked "filming and film and television plot", there are obvious AI face -changing special effects, but many people still believe in it.After the man was still harvesting more than 300,000 fans, he opened the online shop to bring goods.The netizen pointed out that the account IP address is located in Henan. After speaking, he also had Henan accent. He deleted the previous video and renamed "Wang Kang Mei", but the account was still banned by short video platforms.

This news is too absurd and cannot cause serious discussions among netizens, but "Paul Kococci" is not the first Chinese Internet celebrity to pretend to be foreigners.Foreigners' identity and profitable Internet celebrities.

The fake old foreigners who have no change in the rural sound

Start with "Chinese friends, you are good", "red flag will never fall".The soldiers "slammed", which was a routine of most videos before the "Paul Koccar" was faked.

Taking the Douyin platform as an example, although the name of this name is the fake Russians of the Chinese Ukrainian protagonist Paul Kochakin, the Henan accent that is unable to hide from the fake Russians.The unreasonable battlefield "Shuangwen" (a very cool story), but as of his title, he still harvested more than 300,000 fans.

The screenshot circulating on the Internet also shows that in his early video, many netizens left a message to boast that he "Chinese speak well", and even called him "hero" and "warrior", reminding him to pay attention to safetyEssencePerhaps this support, after the man was camouflated and renamed "Wang Kang Mei", he still marketing with "Anti -American Fighter and Anti -American Pioneer" in his personal profile.

The official account of Douyin "Douyin Black Board News" issued an announcement on June 16 that the account has attracted attention and traffic through false information such as the so -called "battlefield video" and "battlefield dynamics".The content and behavior seriously violated the platform regulations.The platform shall be processed indefinitely for this account, and its improper behavior obtains fans and cancel its profit authority.

However, in addition to being blocked, the man does not seem to be punished or accountable, and his true identity is still unknown.

The "Paul Kococci" account this time has also reminded many netizens to recall that it is also pretended to be foreigners with AI filters last year.After the fans, the "Russian Nana" was also blocked.

Na "sucks more than millions of powder on the Chinese short video platform last year, but the" Russian Chinese "and the contrast of the standard pronunciation during singing during the speech, and several clips that causing the filter to fail in the live broadcast, making her camouflageThe horse's feet were exposed.(Internet)

Different from the "Paul Kococci" who often shows the image of a tough guy in the grass, the "Russian Nana" with blond hair and high nose bridge and deep eye fossa, most of the time sitting onIn front of the camera, in the video, he said a few times with the audience, singing two old songs, and selling some Russian products.

However, when she spoke, the "Russian Chinese" and the contrast of the standard pronunciation during singing, and several fragments that caused the filter to fail in the live broadcast, still exposed her camouflage.

Like "Paul Kococci", the four related accounts of "Russian Nana" were banned by Douyin's official ending in April last April, but her true identity is also unknown.Even on the Internet of China, there is still a discussion about whether she is a man or a woman.

The rise of AI face -changing techniques with the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War and became a hot topic, making the Russians a hardest hit area pretending to be posted by "fake old foreigners". FortunatelyNot in place, no serious fraud incidents were reported, at most it was the funny news of the deserted board.However, similar incidents have repeatedly occurred. In addition to making Chinese netizens ridicule "Chinese people only lie to the Chinese", they also questioned that short video platforms, etc., have insufficient supervision of AI generating content.

Chinese Foreign Internet Red Illustrated Book

In addition to a few pretenders, there are also many bloggers of the Chinese Internet.Before the Internet was established in 1994.

Can be regarded as the first -generation Internet celebrity Canadian scholar, cross talk actor and host of the host, Mark Rowswell, who participated in the New Year's Day party of CCTV in 1989, at the small night returns,Playing a Chinese youth named "Xu Dashan" made the "Dashan" known as the Chinese known as the Chinese; he later worshiped Jiang Kun, a master of Chinese cross talk, and appeared on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala stage in 1998, 1999, 2009, and 2011.Essence

In 1989 1989The New Year's Day party on China CCTV was passed through the cross talk show. Over the years, the officials and civil evaluations in China and Canada have also been high.(Internet)

Dashan is mainly popular as a foreigner but spoke fluent Mandarin. During the period when China and the international community were just in line, Chinese audiences' curiosity about foreigners.

He has been committed to promoting Chinese and promoting cultural exchanges between China and Canada for many years. He has high official evaluation in the official and civilians."It was also appointed by the Canadian Prime Minister as" Canada -China Cultural Ambassador ".Around 2015, Dashan reduced activities in China, but still promoted Chinese culture mainly in Chinese around the world.

After the online celebrity mountains faded out of the TV era, the video from the media "Crooked Fruit Research Association" and its founder of Israeli, Raz Gal-OR, have been on the Chinese video website Bilibili (B in 2017Stand) popular.The video of the "Crooked Rennis Research Association" is mainly street visits. The camera is aimed at foreigners studying in China, intending to let the world know more about China and let China know the world better.

Gao Yousi, who graduated from Peking University, has accepted an exclusive interview with China CCTV documentary channel and global characters. Some videos have also been reposted by Chinese official media and mainstream media.Shooting a promotional video related to the Beijing Winter Olympics.NotGao Yousi, the "post -90s", created the self -media account "Crooked Fruit Research Association". The videos are mostly in the form of street interviews, focusing on the daily life of foreigners in China.The picture shows Gao Youzi interviewed by station B.(Internet)