Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, emphasized that the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League Central Committee emphasized that the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League should earnestly shoulder the mission and tasks given by the new journey in the new era and the new journey, and fully stimulate the majority of young people in the modern construction of Chinese -style modernization.

According to the Xinhua News Agency, Xi Jinping, which is also the President of China and the Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission on Monday (June 26) in the afternoon of the new leadership team of the Communist Youth League of Zhongnanhai collectively, talked collectively and delivered important speeches.

He emphasized that the hopes of the Chinese government and the country's cause are pinned on young people.It is hoped that the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League will thoroughly implement the CCP's requirements, effectively shoulders the mission and tasks assigned by the new era and new journey, inherit and promote the fine traditions, adhere to reform and innovation, and better condense the young generation of the young generation around the party.Continue struggle.

Xi Jinping said that in the past five years, the Communist Youth League has organized major tasks such as building a new development pattern, promoting high -quality development, winning the battle against poverty, and fighting against crown disease.The charge ahead shows the courage and responsibility of Chinese youth in the new era.The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China fully trusts the Communist Youth League and the majority of young people.

He pointed out that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has high hopes for the new leadership team of the League of the League.I hope that everyone will strengthen their own construction, play a good role in modeling, and promote new and greater development of the Communist Youth League career and youth work.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the theme and direction of the Chinese Communist Party's central task as the theme and direction of the Chinese Youth Movement and Youth work is a basic experience in the Chinese Youth Movement and Youth Work over the years.As the Assistant and Reserve Army of the Communist Youth League, the Communist Youth League must focus on the work of the new era of the new era and the new journey of the party's central task, and take care of the new era and the new journey of the party.To achieve the goal of the construction of a strong country and the magnificent national rejuvenation, the people of all ethnic groups of the whole country, including the unity of the majority of young people, go all out, continue to climb up and overcome difficulties.

He also said that the theme of the Communist Youth League should unite, organize, and mobilize the theme of youth work in the new era to encourage the majority of young people to enhance the sense of historical responsibility and mission, stimulate the strong country,Young passion, brave as a pioneer and commando in the construction of a strong country and the great cause of the nation.

Xi Jinping pointed out that we must focus on strengthening the political leadership of the majority of young people.Young people have ideals, dare to take responsibility, can endure hardships, and be willing to fight, so that Chinese youths will have their strength, and the development of the Chinese government and the development of the state can be full of hope.It is necessary to strengthen the education of ideals and beliefs for the majority of young people, guide the majority of young people to establish the great ideals of communism, strengthen the common ideals of socialism with Chinese characteristics, establish the correct life goals in the historical trend of the construction of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the nation,

He also said that the Communist Youth League should put the political leadership of the majority of members and young people, and strive to cultivate socialist builders and successors.It is necessary to grasp the theme education for the majority of members and youth, guide the members and young people to carefully study and understand the socialist ideas with Chinese characteristics in the new era, strive to master the world view and methodology of this scientific thought, and be good at using the position viewing and methods to analyze the problems.

习近平强调,共青团要坚持围绕中心、服务大局,主动对接国家重大战略和重大任务,组织动员广大青年立足本职岗位,积极投身中国式现代化建设,在科技创新、乡村振兴、Green development, social services, and the sides of the country are strived to be vanguard and vitality in all aspects of all aspects of various aspects, showing the vigor of youth.

Xi Jinping pointed out that in response to the requirements of the party's strict governance, adhere to the problem -oriented, dare to promote the reform of the group, comprehensively and strictly manage the regiment, and unswervingly follow the characteristics of Chinese characteristics.Socialist group development path.We must persist in consolidating the distinctive orientation of the grassroots, continuously expand the coverage of the league organization, and improve the ability of young people to work.

Xi Jinping finally pointed out that party committees (party groups) at all levels should strengthen the leadership and support of the work of the Communist Youth League, establish and improve the work pattern of various departments under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and support the creative development of the Communist Youth League.Work.