Following the publicly refusing to hire Graduates from Sichuan University in Beijing, a company in charge of Shanghai also said that the company does not recruit Sichuan University teachers and students in principle.The Shanghai Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau said that if this is true, it will be illegal.

According to Sina News, Beijing Yanqing Law Firm issued a refusal notice on Sunday (June 25), saying that "the institute no longer recruits graduates from Sichuan University, please hold Sichuan University.Do not submit resumes to our firm.The notice was deleted on June 26.

Jimu News reported that the person in charge of Shanghai Company also posted on the Weibo account of "The Media" on the evening of June 25, saying that the incident of Zhang's graduate student Zhang has brought great great recent incident to the society.Negative impacts, the company decided not to recruit any teachers and students in Sichuan in principle.This account profile shows "Shanghai Shuangzi Film and Television Media Co., Ltd. CEO".

However, the account issued a statement on June 26 clarifying that the above remarks only represent the point of the person in charge, "not company decision -making and formal company documents", and said "if there is virtue and preparation for Chuan Da,Graduates will also consider. "

The topic of "Shanghai Company CEO issued a post refusing to recruit Master Chuan" also appeared on Weibo hot search on Monday.Some netizens have expressed support for this approach, but some netizens said, "This suspected stigma also has a negative impact on sound -speaking companies."

The Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security Bureau responded to this that if the company's account posted the information or the company involved relevant content in its public recruitment information, it was an illegal act, and the labor supervision department would conduct investigations.However, if it is just issued on the personal account, the labor supervision department has no right to investigate.

Earlier, a female student at Sichuan University in China suspected that he was sneaked by migrant workers on the Guangzhou Metro. On the spot, it was confirmed that the other party was still exposed to it on the spot, causing public opinion storm.Sichuan University informed that the student Zhang Mou stayed in school for punishment.