(Beijing Comprehensive News) The Chinese State Council Prime Minister Li Qiang and Vietnamese Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng held talks on Monday, and the two sides agreed to properly control the differences in the South China Sea issue.

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Li Qiang held talks with Vietnamese Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng, a visiting Vietnamese Prime Minister in Beijing on Monday (June 26).This is Fan Mingzheng's first visit to China since he took office in 2021.

Li Qiang pointed out that China and Vietnam have profound traditional friendship, and the interests of the two countries blend.This year marks the 15th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Vietnam. Under the leadership of the Chinese official and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, the development of Sino -Vietnamese relations has remained in a good momentum.

Li Qiang said that in a complicated and turbulent world situation, the two countries should pay more attention to maintaining the relationship between the two countries, jointly promote the socialist cause, work together to build a closer community of destiny, and push the bilateral relations on the new starting point to push the new relationship on new relations on the new starting point.Step.China is willing to do a good job in strategic docking with Vietnam, focusing on the "Belt and Road" as the main line with high quality, and coordinating cooperation in the fields of law enforcement security, economic, trade investment, science, education, education, and health.

According to Yuetong News Agency, Fan Mingzheng said that Vietnam attaches great importance to a good development relationship with China's "brothers", and proposes that both parties should play geographical and complementary advantages and promote substantial cooperation in various fields.

At the beginning of June this year, a Chinese scientific examination ship and its escort ship operated in the Vietnam's exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea for nearly a month, and triggered a rare protest in Vietnam.

In response to the South China Sea issue, Li Qiang emphasized that China is willing to adhere to the Vietnamese party through dialogue negotiations, control differences, promote pragmatic cooperation at sea, accelerate the negotiations of the South China Sea Conduct, and avoid taking the situation to complicate the situation and expand.

Fan Ming's politics suggests that the two sides strictly implement the high -level consensus between the two countries and the basic principles of the basic principles of the territorial issue of the Vietnam and middle border; respect the legitimate rights and interests of each other;Solving disputes and differences peacefully; comprehensively and effective implementation of the behavior declaration (DOC) of all parties of the East China Sea.

The South China Sea is called "South China Sea" in mainland China and Taiwan, and it is called "East China Sea" in Vietnam.