Four months after delay, US Secretary of State Brillings finally decided to visit China on Sunday (June 18).However, at this time, a qualitative change in Sino -US relations had undergone a qualitative change in four months. The United States' crosses and curbs in China have not been loosened at all, and China's attitude towards Sino -US relations has fundamentally changed. Current dissatisfaction is evenAvailable for hostile consciousness is rare for many years.

As Sino -US relations are so sluggish, Blint, as the highest -level U.S. officials visited China since 2018, this trip is of great significance.The irony is that the signals of both China and the United States issued signals to reduce the expectations of the outside world's interaction about this time, reflecting that they dare not expect each other, as if they only ask for a long time to see a face, just have an explanation.

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Kriteblins on Tuesday (June 14), local time (June 14), stated that the United States maintains a pragmatic attitude and does not expect Blingken to make a breakthrough.Responsible ways to control the competition between China and the United States; the minimum of this trip can reduce misjudgments, so that China and the United States can avoid slipping into conflict.In the press release of the US State Department, even the word "guardrail" between China and the United States will not be mentioned.

Cretenblins mentioned the word "responsibility", which secretly put the responsibility of deteriorating Sino -US relations and dumped the pot to China.

China also threw the "pot" back to the United States.Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang and Brinken Beijing, Beijing time on Wednesday. The first sentence of Qin Gang by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China was: "Since the beginning of the year, Sino -US relations have encountered new difficulties and challenges, and the responsibilities are clear." Qin Gang and the "core concern of China" on the Taiwan issue clarify the strict position, emphasize that the United States should stop interfered in the interference in China's internal affairs, "stop the name of the Chinese sovereign security development in the name of competition", and implement the Bali of the two heads of state in November last year.The island meeting important consensus and the related commitment of the United States.

His statement is not as cold as cold ice, it is better to be full of gunpowder, implying that the United States is rejected by faith.Blintken and Qin Gang each said each, perhaps the only conclusion is to determine that Brinken visited China on the 18th.But if Brinkens will see Chinese officials on this trip, both China and the United States are also taboo.If it is based on the visit to China in February this year, Brinken believes that it will meet with the Chinese official, and now everything is difficult to say.

In February this year, Brinkenta's visit to China was postponed because of a mysterious Chinese balloon floating over the United States, and it was announced that it was postponed three days before leaving.Not only makes China embarrassing, but also let the Chinese political and academic circles see how difficult it is to improve Sino -US relations under the current situation of domestic political interference in the United States; no matter who comes to power or promises when meetingWill change.

Some observers compare the balloon incident as the last straw that crushes the camel. By March this year, the Chinese official named the United States for "comprehensive containment, encirclement, and targeting" during the two sessions.It reflects that China has no expectations for improving Sino -US relations.

Why did Brinken turn around and embark on the trip to China?There are various interpretations in the outside world, including the problem of the United States in China, hoping that China will buy more US bonds and stabilize the US dollar exchange rate; the United States requires China to help on the problem of resolving the Russian -Ukraine conflict.

Another saying that American officials have taken a circle in the world and found that the effect of blocking strategies for China is not as expected. Some American allies from major developing countries to developed worlds still hope to maintain or even deepen economic and trade cooperation with ChinaEssence

Among them, Europe is the most obvious. EU and European powers such as France and Germany have used words such as "de -risk" and "get rid of dependence on China" to express their vigilance of China.It is unwilling to decide with China, hoping to take a balanced strategy with Europe's strategy.Even the loyal allies in the United States, the United Kingdom, publicly said "no" to decoupling.

For developing countries, China's "Belt and Road" initiative, China's infrastructure in Africa is also very attractive. On the other hand, the United States still has no initiative to compete with the "Belt and Road".

It is said that the United States has begun to debate, and it is time to adjust the policy of comprehensive targeting China.After the prominent signal in this regard, after the US President Bayeng, after the Seventh -way Group Summit held in Hiroshima last month, said that Sino -US relations will soon be thawed.Campbell, known as the White House Guoan Association, known as the "Indian Tsar Emperor", described the United States last week that the United States is in this round of "re -contact" with China.According to media reports, Bayeng Consistence and the Director of the Central Intelligence Bureau Burns secretly visited China in May.

In response to Blint's Beijing trip, Campbell also stated this week that the United States has clearly failed in the past few decades to try to shape or reform China.He explained that China will continue to take radical operations, and the United States will resist, while "fierce diplomacy" controls tension.He said that this is the only way to clarify misunderstandings, and China and the United States also need to cooperate in a place with common interests.

Campbell is also reminiscent of the state of the Sino -US war in the Korean War: while talking.

China has always opposed the United States to define China as a strategic competitor and ask the United States to abandon this "obsession".However, China and the United States are inevitable. What everyone can do is to avoid malignant competition that harms others. In particular, it is necessary to avoid misjudgment on sensitive issues such as the Taiwan Strait.

At present, the most important thing is to allow Braggie to visit China this time, and do not have again.In fact, the US media suddenly reported that China would set up a rumor in the United States at the Cuban -listening station to listen to the United States, and was later refuted by the White House.I do n’t know where this rumor comes from, but it can evoke the memory of the Cold War, and even disrupt the arrangements of Brosky's visit to China, which once again highlights how bad the domestic atmosphere of the United States is for improving Sino -US relations.

It's so difficult to go to China once.Perhaps, Brinken can embark on Beijing as scheduled this weekend, which is worthy of all parties.