(Moscow/Pyongyang Comprehensive News) Chinese official Thursday (June 15) is 70 years old. Russian President Putin and North Korea Kim Jong -un sent him a congratulatory message to praise his political achievements.

According to Agence France -Presse, the Cremlin of Russia announced on Thursday that Putin sent a congratulatory message to the Chinese official and wish him a happy 70th birthday.Putin said in congratulations that China has achieved remarkable achievements under the official leadership of China, the national economy has grown steadily, citizen wealth has increased, and Beijing's status in the world has been consolidated.

Putin said that we look forward to continuing constructive dialogue and work closely on the current bilateral, regional and international issues to benefit the Chinese people in Russia.

The Russian satellite news agency reported that the Russian presidential international affairs assistant Ushakov told reporters on Wednesday: "June 15 is the birthday of a close friend of our country -the leader of the People's Republic of my country. Very warm congratulations. "

According to the North Korean Society, Kim Jong -un said in his birthday congratulations that Chinese officials have been engaged in the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a long time, and have been respected and trusted by all members of the Communist Party of China and the people.

Kim Jong -un said that under the official leadership of China, the Chinese Communist Party's prestige has further improved, initially achieved the goal of building a wealthy society, and China's comprehensive national strength and international status have been greatly enhanced.