The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China announced that the assistant Minister Nong Rong met the South Korean ambassador Zheng Zaihao, and expressed dissatisfaction with South Korea's response to the Chinese ambassador to the first meeting of the Chinese Ambassador and South Korea in the wild party.

China ’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Sunday (June 11) said on the official website that it made improper reactions in South Korea. Nongrong met Zheng Zaihao on Saturday (10th) to submit a negotiation and showed serious concern and dissatisfaction.

Nongrong explained China's views and positions on the current Sino -Korean relations, and said that the Chinese ambassador to South Korea Xing Haiming and people from all walks of life in South Korea have extensively exposed and exchanges.And promote the development of China -South Korea relations.

Nongrong also hopes that South Korea will deeply reflect on the current issue of Sino -South Korean relations and take it seriously.Make positive efforts.

The Chinese Embassy in Korea announced earlier on the official website. When Xing Haiming met with the South Korean joint Democratic Party on the 8th, Xing Haiming said that the United States was trying to target China."Judging" and said that Sino -South Korean relations are facing external factors challenges. I hope that South Korea can get rid of the interference of external factors when dealing with China.

The South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned Xing Haiming on Friday (9th) to protest Xing Haiming's remarks on Korean -American relations to interfere in the internal affairs.