After the CPC Qinghai Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee released the discipline requirements of "ten prohibited" discipline of party members and cadres in the province, the first concentratedly reported the problem of eating and drinking and driving after drinking and drinking.Essence

According to surging news reports, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission has released nine illegal foods and drinks, driving driving after drinking, and driving.Essence

The nine issues of

Notifications were investigated in May this May. Three of the clues from the three issues were reported from the "Violation and Drinking Code" platform, and the other six issues were discovered by the unannounced visits team.

According to the news on June 10 according to the State Administration of Discipline Inspection of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the first round of inspection and unannounced visits have been completed in Qinghai Province. A total of 16 clues were found and handed over to the clue.The Qinghai Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection found that in the clues of eating and drinking in violation of regulations, there were more than 800 clues about the problem of wine involving wine in the province.

After the official dining and drinking caused by the "May 1st" holiday in Qinghai, China, Qinghai officially announced on May 16 the province's members of the Communist Party of China to eat and drink "ten prohibitions". Anyone who violates these ten disciplines will be suspended and inspectedThen investigate and deal with.