South Africa officially announced that President Rama Troviste will visit the Russia and Ukraine in order to try to end the Russian and Ukraine War, and briefly describe the Chinese President Xi Jinping.

According to Reuters, the South African President's Office said in a statement on Saturday (June 10) that Lama Pao Sa told Xi Jinping that he noticed the peaceful plan proposed in China and emphasized that African leaders supported the support.The proposal to resolve conflicts peacefully.

Lama Tosa announced last month that Africa has developed a peace plan, but the specific content has not been announced.The African Peace Plan is supported by the support of Senegal, Uganda, Egypt, the Republic of the Congo and Zambia leaders.

Xinhua News Agency reported earlier that Xi Jinping had an appointment with Lama Tshada on Friday (9th), and the two sides exchanged views on the Ukraine crisis.

Xi Jinping emphasized that China's position in the Ukrainian crisis is consistent, and in summary, it is to persuade and talk.It is hoped that all parties will accumulate favorable conditions in order to solve the crisis through dialogue.

He said that Lamaguza and African leaders formed a peace delegation to visit Russia and Ukraine. This is a good thing.It is hoped that countries that love peace and adherence to justice around the world can make a rational voice of persuasion and talk.

Xi Jinping also said that China supports South Africa as a rotating chairman country to organize various activities this year's BRICS cooperation.

The South African President's Office said in a Saturday statement that the heads of state of the two countries discussed the cooperation between the BRICS and the preparations for the upcoming BRICS Summit.The two sides are committed to successfully holding the BRICS Summit.