Japan has accused the Chinese Navy's measuring ships increasingly sailing into the waters near Japan recently, and described the situation very seriously.

According to the Kyodo News Agency, the supreme leadership of the Japanese defense provincial military officer and the unified staff Chief of Nagato Yoshida Kei Hideyoshi held a press conference on Friday (June 9), and made the above statement.

He mentioned that the number of times that the Chinese Navy's measurement ship has recently entered the waters near Kagoshima Prefecture has become very many, and the situation is very serious.He said, "Although it is difficult to prevent (Chinese warships enter), it is necessary to announce the news every time and repeatedly propose diplomatic protests and concerns." It is important to let the public know that these activities become frequent.

According to the Japanese Ministry of Defense, the Chinese measurement ship has repeatedly entered the waters near Kagoshima Prefecture since November 2021.As of the 8th of this month, eight times have occurred.Japan ’s Defense Province also expressed serious concern to China through diplomatic channels and protested.