Student students of Jiangxi Jiangxi UniversityWhen eating in the cafeteria, he found a foreign body suspected of a mouse head in the meal. The school responded that it was "duck neck", which detonated a dispute over the mouse and ducks that last for several days.

The "Mystery of Rat and Ducks" has not yet been seen. The school's same cafeteria on Thursday (June 8th) was revealed that some students eat big green worms and put this college again under public opinion.EssenceAt 7 pm on Friday (9th), the reading volume of related entries has reached 370 million.

This time without waiting for the university's response, netizens looked at the pictures and spoke, saying that "this is obviously green pepper" commented that the comment broke 60,000.The duck neck "" look forward to the new species given by the school ".

The "Rat Duck Struggle" in the cafeteria meals

The video of the video on June 1st is widely spread on the InternetEssence

Video screen shows that foreign bodies in the meals are brown and black, with several long hair on the outside. Several teeth white objects can be seen in the middle.

Jiangxi Institute of TechnologyStudents said that they ate mice in the school cafeteria on June 1.(Video screenshot)

From the dialogue in the video, you can hear a male character first ask, "Is this a mouse's teeth?" A female voice hesitated a few seconds later: "DuckMeat! "Then he said," Where does the mouse come from? "Another female voice said," Don't eat it, give it to him. "The first female voice asked with an inquiries:" One more copy of a copy,

Judging from "one more copy", the two women should be a cafeteria staff.Men are college students who are suspected of mice.

Two days later, the school issued a situation on Weibo on the evening of June 3 that "the students in the case of the incident invited classmates to compare the 'foreign matter' at the time, and confirmed that 'foreign matter' was" foreign body 'as a foreign body.Duck neck, for normal food. The student has made a written explanation on the spot to clarify the video content. "

The report also said that after receiving the report from the market supervision and administration bureau of the high -tech zone of Nanchang, they will be sentLaw enforcement officers went to the school to investigate, and asked the school staff, the person in charge of the cafeteria, the students and the relevant insiders to sample the sample testing of food samples.

The school was in the evening of June 3rdWeibo issued a report, saying that "foreign body" was a duck neck.(Screenshot of Weibo)

There are also local law enforcement agencies and municipal supervisors.In the show broadcast on the evening of June 3 on the scene of the city on the city of Jiangxi TV, the Changdong Branch of the Changdong Branch of the Nanchang High -tech Zone Municipal Supervision Bureau introduced that law enforcement officials rushed to "repeated comparison" as soon as possible to confirm this foreign body.It's duck neck.

The personnel repeatedly compared through the photos at the scene, and the initial judgment was a duck neck.(Video screenshot)

Not only that, the staff of the bureau also confirmed to the news platform "Western Decision" on the 4th again, "We take the inspection, it is indeed a duck neck."

Jiangxi Provincial Department of Education also involved in the investigation.The staff of the Vocational Education and Adult Education Department of the Provincial Department of Education told Jimu News on June 7 that the relevant offices have been intervened.

Foreign object comparison test report has not been released

Although the students, the school, the municipal supervision bureau, and the Provincial Department of Education have all responded,Netizens obviously did not buy the "duck neck theory".

Netizens' hot comments: "In ancient times, Zhao Gao refers to deer as a horse, and today there are Nanchang universities' finger mice for ducks' to fool others!"

Some people create "finger mice as ducks" entriesInterpretation: Pointing at the mouse's head to say that it is a duck neck, the metaphor intends to reverse the black and white, confuse right and wrong.

The school responded to the "duck neck" after "duck neck".There are many pictures and emoticons related to "referring to ducks" on the Internet.(Network)

Another reason that caused netizens to discuss is that the comparison test report of "foreign body" has not been released.According to the Municipal Supervision Bureau, the results can be released three to five days after the inspection, but until June 6, the test results have not been announced.

The upstream journalist contacted the Nanchang City Inspection and Test Center sent by the "Duck Neck" on June 6. The center staff responded that the "duck neck" was indeed inspected in the center, but the relevant results were onlyCan not be reported to the prosecutor's market supervision bureau cannot be disclosed to the outside world.

The reporter contacted an expert in a university for more than 30 years in a university. The expert judged: "If the picture is not fraudulent, 80%of this foreign body may be mice head."

Although the words of the experts are not full, they will allow the "rat head" netizens to take greater firepower to the school and even report the director of the Municipal Supervision Bureau.

The school's way of handling public opinion is Weibo control.The screenshot of the Internet shows that the director of the school's new media center editor a series of commentary cases and mobilize students to participate in the control evaluation.As a result, some people also exposed the school's comment paper, comparing it with the school's Weibo comments.

Mouse has been found in the past

The old accounts related to the Jiangxi Institute of Technology and Mouse have also been turned out.

The school was exposed to a mouse in the cafeteria cleaning room on November 20, 2021. At that time, the Municipal Supervision Bureau issued a statement saying that it had severely punished the catering company operating the catering company in the school.

Some people have spoiled mice in the school post bar, which can be traced back to 2008.

The Yangtze Evening News interviewed the students of the school on Thursday (8th) that the "rat head duck neck" incident on the second day (2nd), and two students reported that they had eaten bugs.

The student also revealed that the school cafeteria has a large number of complaints every month, and a feedback group has also been built. In April and May of this yearQuestion, "Basically, foreign objects such as wire balls, hair, and small worms are normal in this school."

The school's food safety problems are full of loopholes, so that someone eats a "big big" on ThursdayThe videos of green worms have once again detonated public opinion.

Jiangxi School of Vocational and Technical College CafeterThere was a suspected "big green worm" in the sun.(Screenshot of the video)

The "huge wave video" sent out the video said that the students took out their mobile phones to take pictures as soon as possible after discovering, and then the staff took the rice and added the student WeChat.Students do not know.No one answered the number of calls on the school's official website.

The school's Weibo did not respond to the "Green Worm Incident" as of press time.However, netizens have long been "referring to insects as pepper" and "referring to insects as grass". Everyone is more interested in what the school will refer to the foreign body this time, not the incident itself.

Who is the mouse or a green worm?

evolved from the initial food safety problem to Luo Shengmen. Because the school did not explain the doubts clearly at the beginning, the more and more public opinion, and the more and more doubts.

The school stated that students had clarified in person as a duck neck in person.Now that it has been clarified, why did the school invite the Municipal Supervision Bureau that day?Now that the students have agreed that they are duck necks, why did they send the video to the Internet?Why did n’t the school ask students to delete videos later?

The test results have not been released. Why can the director and staff of the Municipal Supervisory Bureau and staff of the Municipal Supervisory Bureau be facing the media on the 3rd and 4th, respectively.

and the "mouse duck dispute" at the core of the entire event, why is the Municipal Supervisory Bureau compared on the spot that is not a real thing but a picture?Why are the dishes "reserved" rather than a foreign body itself?If the "retaining sample" for inspection does not represent foreign bodies, the detection result is naturally not a duck neck, and the test results will become meaningless.

This leads to a bigger doubt than "the rat is a duck". Where did the suspected mouse go?Why does it only appear in the video and hidden in the follow -up development of the incident?

If the foreign body is thrown by the student himself, how can he prove the authenticity of his initial testimony?If the foreign body is taken away, where did the foreign body go?Whoever loses is likely who is losing.

From the dialogue in the video, the staff of the cafeteria said that "one more copy" is likely to recycle the problem -related dishes.In the "Big Green Worm" incident, the cafeteria took away the dishes, which may be the usual way of facing the dishes in the cafeteria.

A reporter from visited the field on Thursday afternoon and found that the school gate was closed, and the people's entry and exit were strictly controlled. Many students took takeaway across the school fence.

The same control is the school's Weibo comment area. The number of comments under the Weibo of the school notified the number of comments on Weibo.Everyone can't see the specific content of these 9,000 comments. There are only four that can be opened. The highest praise is "I say yes, I can't say the words on the side of Guangxin. This time, the parties have repeatedly verified it."

Speaking of the party -the technical school student who changed his mouth was a duck neck, and there was an article on the Internet to comment: The foodists are Junjie.

For this student, it is not important to be a mouse or duck. The important thing is a graduation certificate.For the public, it is more important to clarify "food". Who should define the truth?Or maybe, in the end, no matter whether there is the truth, as long as this public opinion is fading, everything will be overwhelmed and there will be no trace?