Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasized to South Africa President Lama Tosa that China supports South Africa as a rotating chairman of the BRICS country to conduct various activities this year.

According to the press release announced on the official website on Saturday (June 10), Xi Jinping should call on the phone on Friday (9th).

Xi Jinping said that both China and South Africa are important development countries. China -South relations have important strategic significance for safeguarding the common interests of developing countries and leading the combination of China and Africa.

Xi Jinping mentioned that this year is the BRICS "South Africa Year", and relations between the two countries are facing important development opportunities.China is willing to improve the level of relations between the two countries, a real multilateralism, work together to safeguard the common interests of developing countries, and promote the development of international order in a more fair and reasonable direction.China supports South Africa as a rotating chairman, and has organized various activities of the BRICS cooperation this year.

South Africa is the rotating chairman of the BRICS country this year, and will also be responsible for hosting the BRICS Summit in August this year.BRICS members include China, Russia, India, Brazil and South Africa.

However, the International Criminal Court has issued an international arrest warrant against Russian President Putin in March this year, accusing him of being responsible for the crime of war invasion of Ukraine.As a signed country in the International Criminal Court, South Africa has obliged to arrest Putin if Putin went to South Africa to participate in the meeting.

Bloomberg reported earlier that Lama Tshada plans to talk to Xi Jinping to discuss the place where the BRICS Summit was held.

However, according to the press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, when the two were talking, they did not talk about the possibility of transferring the summit location to other countries.

Xi Jinping said in the Ukrainian issue that China ’s position in the Ukrainian crisis is consistent, that is, persuasion and talk.It is hoped that all parties will accumulate favorable conditions for dialogue.Lamaguza and African leaders formed a peace delegation to visit Russia and Ukraine. This is a good thing.It is hoped that countries that love peace and adherence to justice around the world can make a rational voice of persuasion and talk.