"Before performing, don't say‘ I wish you a bombing ”, everyone now renames‘ I wish you peace ’.”

In late May, the talk show of a cafe in Dongcheng District, Beijing (also known as a single comedy in China) was opened at the open wheat scene.Before, the performance was encouraged to be successful, and now pray for peace.

Chinese talk show actor Li Haoshi was charged with wild dogs last month as a metaphor, seriously insulted the Chinese People's Liberation Army and was investigated. The laughing fruit culture signed with him was also severely punished.Swordsman culture was fined 13 million (RMB, the same below, S $ 2.45 million), and all performances in Beijing were suspended indefinitely.The talk show, this new form of entertainment in China has also been pushed to the forefront, causing widespread attention.

The ridicule of the Open Mai Host caused a smile that was overwhelming.After the performance began, the actors who played in order in turn each talked about the troubles that they were living, work, and feelings in their own figures. A actress who took her own figure as the creative theme finally got the most densely applause and laughter in the audience.Regarding social hot topics such as employment, fertility, and women's rights and interests have been avoided carefully.

After the Li Haoshi incident, the Chinese talk show practitioners became more and more cautious.

An open wheat actor who is unwilling to be named told the United Morning Post. After the Li Haoshi incident, he was "very serious and serious" about each performance. From the creative paragraph, he would not hesitate to delete a trace.It is vulgar, or there is a risk of reporting.

Even if the paragraph passed the review, he was allowed to perform, and he couldn't get up in the face of the audience under the court."What can be said, nothing can be said, everything is unclear, the audience is unhappy, it may not be able to speak."

He has a recently received rules for self -examination of the open wheat actor. The first of which is to prohibit yellow and involve in politics.

He explained that it is a routine requirement for the prohibition of yellowing, but there is no unified measure of measurement.The red line, the actors are at a loss, worrying that many paragraphs may be regarded as an excuse for blocking in the future, which makes him feel pessimistic about the development prospects of the talk show.

Another actor Wang, who signed a well -known talk show club in Beijing, was also worried about the current situation and industry development of the talk show actor.

He said that the common practice of the Chinese talk show industry is that no matter whether it is open or commercial, the creative content must be given to the club and the cultural regulatory department for review by text or audio in advance.Although it is clearly stipulated that, in fact, the review of the club and relevant departments is not as strict as imagined, but this time, "Lai Zhenge".He said that since mid -May, before each performance, the club will repeatedly warn that "strictly performs in the text without allowing the manuscript, otherwise the penalty will be severely punished."

Talk show has risen rapidly in China in recent years. Especially during the crown disease epidemic, the offline box office of the talk show has skyrocketed by more than 20 million yuan in 2020 to more than 400 million yuan.

The actor named Wang, who has been infiltrated in the talk show industry for seven years, is not optimistic about the development of the Chinese talk show industry.He said that the talk show, as a "offensive" language art, China's political environment is not conducive to its growth and development.

In his opinion, in the past few years, the reason why the talk show can survive in the gaps is that the mainstream media in China took the initiative to withdraw from the people's popularity.

He said that the talk show will face more and more stringent review in the future, and many practitioners lack the necessary political quality and cultural accumulation. Most people do not understand the CCP's discourse system, context and caliber.In addition, some clubs have invited few people in politics to work in the system, and their political awareness is not enough.

In his opinion, Li Haoshi's accident was neither funny, but also stepped on the high -pressure red line, but it was not accidental and case.The development of damage to the talk show industry.

Some comments on the Internet believe that, as the leader of the Chinese talk show industry, Swordsman Culture is severely punished, which means that China's entire talk show will usher in a subversive industry rectification of similar teaching aids and live broadcasts.

Scholars interviewee: The heavy penalty of Xiao Guo will not affect the development of China's talk show industry

But Wu Changchang, an associate professor at the School of Communication of East China Normal University, does not think that the Li Haoshi incident and heavy penalties for laughing fruit will cause the Chinese talk show to usher in the industry's rectification, let alone affect the development of the Chinese talk show industry.

He told United Morning Post that the government has always maintained supervision of literary and artistic styles such as talk shows. Swordsman, as the leader of Chinese talk show, was severely punished because of the basic political principles and standards of the basic political principles, not for the entire talk showindustry.He foresee that the talk show industry will strengthen self -examination and self -supervision.

Observing the reporter in Lianhe Zaobao, many Beijing talk show performance venues are still performing.After Li Haoshi storm, some performance companies such as Shanli people and owl comedy in Beijing were suspended for a time. Among them, owl comedy has resumed the performance in Beijing.

Wu Changchang believes that the talk show is becoming more and more popular among Chinese young people and middle -class groups. More and more cities in China have talk show performances. At present, the development of China's real economy is not downturn.The cultural industry including the show is booming to drive the economy.