The Democratic Progressive Party was originally called Li Zhenghao, a political commentator of party membership unparalleled to run for the legislator of the New Taipei Yonghe, but was influenced by the stolen storm of his ex -girlfriend, and Li Zhenghao decided to refund the election.In his interview on Friday (June 9), he denied the allegations and refused to apologize, referring to discrediting his talents.

According to Taiwan Wind Media reports, Li Zhenghao said in an interview that withdrawal from the legislature election is his thoughts. In the past two days, he was discussing with the DPP decision -making level.During the process, the two sides obtained consensus. The DPP and him needed space to take a step back to allow the DPP, especially the Vice President of Taiwan and the DPP Chairman Lai Qingde to have a greater space during the treatment of the case.

Li Zhenghao said that if you continue to stay in this seat, it will be the Democratic League of Democratic League, which is interested in Lai Qingde.He said that during the election process, there are always two harmless power. There is no way to hurt at all. You can only choose a less deduction option in the deduction option. "At this momentThe Democratic League has the possibility of changes in vitality, but it is a good thing. "

When asked if he would apologize to the case that had been sneaky before, Li Zhenghao said that this has nothing to do with apology. The essence of the case is that he and the woman broke up and did not accept it. The woman was discredited by her former colleague.He said that he didn't know who to apologize to, and the people who discredited him had to apologize.

Li Zhenghao said that many people suggested that he tell the woman or ask the woman to come forward, but he has promised the woman's parents not to be exposed.If you really want to apologize, the only object of apology is his parents. Seeing his son, he was tortured in front of the TV. He wanted to say to his parents, sorry to worry you.

Li Zhenghao accepted Lai Qingde's call in May this year and ran for the legislature of the 9th constituency (Yonghe District) in New Taipei City to become a member of Lai Qingde's "Democratic Alliance".Essence

However, Li Zhenghao had sneaked to shoot his ex -girlfriend video in the past to use this to throw the disputes of his ex -girlfriend, so that he had to announce the withdrawal on Thursday evening (8th) after accepting nominations for 16 days.

The incident of Li Zhenghao also disrupted the process of the DPP nominated legislators.Treatment.Taiwan reported on Friday quoting people familiar with the matter and revealed that the DPP will then investigate the former DPP Deputy Secretary -General Lin Feifan's role in the dispute in sexual peace and evaluate his possibility of continuing to run for the legislature.