China's Internet violence has caused frequent incidents in recent years.In order to punish the violations of the law of cyber violence, the three departments of China drafted guidance, and on Friday (June 9), it began to publicly solicit opinions, which proposed that the "human flesh search" plot was severely punished by infringing the crime of citizens' personal information.

The official website of the Chinese Supreme People's Procuratorate announced that the Chinese Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Public Security jointly issued guidance opinions on punishing cyber violations (drafts for comments) in accordance with the law.The deadline for the feedback is June 25 this year.

It proposes that if one of the five cases of violations of cyber violations and crimes, if there are five cases, it shall be punished from heavy penalties, including: implementation of minors and disabled;The topic of "sexuality" infringe on other people's personality dignity; use "deep synthesis" technology to publish illegal or bad information, violate public order, good customs, ethics and morality; network service providers initiate organizations.

Guidance also proposes to create and spread rumors on the information network, degrade others, and harm the reputation of others, and the circumstances are serious.On the information network, we adopt wanton abuse, vicious attacks, and disclosure of privacy to blatantly insulted others. The circumstances are serious. If it meets Article 246 of the Criminal Law, it will be punished by insulting crimes.

In addition, organize "human flesh search" to collect illegal collection on the information network and publish personal information of citizenship to unspecified most people.Crime and punishment for infringing citizen's personal information.

In recent years, there have been too many Internet violent suicide incidents in China.A primary school student in Wuhan died after being injured by a teacher in the school last month. His mother repeatedly vowed for the right to vowate after the accident.This incident once again triggered discussions on punishment of cyber violence.