The five countries of the BRICS may expand to 11 countries this year. Ma Chaoxu, the Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister, who attended the BRICS Foreign Minister Conference in South Africa, described the BRICS Group that the BRICS Group was tolerant, and compared with the small circle of some countriesIt is believed that the expansion of the group will be beneficial to all member states.

Scholars of interviewed scholars evaluated that China is currently seeking alliances that expand through the BRICS expansion and developing countries, which is obviously meaningful to each other with the West.It is the biggest variable of the success or failure of the BRIC.

The high -level diplomacy of the BRICS Five Kingdoms held a meeting on Thursday, Cape Town, South Africa, calling on the re -balance of world order and discussing the search for the US dollar alternative currency to declare the ambition to compete with Western powers.

Indian Foreign Minister Su Jiesheng stated in the opening speech that the concentration of global economic power "allows too many countries to subject to too few countries", and the BRICS countries must take corresponding actions as a "symbol of change".

BRICS composed of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa was once regarded as a loose alliance with different emerging economies.In recent years, Beijing has continuously promoted the BRICS countries to be more united; since the outbreak of the Russia and Ukraine War, Moscow also provided additional unity driving force.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said in South Africa on Thursday that oil -producing countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran and the UAE may join the BRICS.Reuters quoted anonymous officials disclosed that Venezuela, Argentina, and Algeria have also submitted formal applications.

China Deputy Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu said, "More countries to join our big family" will increase the influence of the BRICS and make it better to serve developing countries. Beijing is looking forward to this.

Chen Gang, Assistant Director of the East Asia Research Institute of Singapore, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that after holding the first head of state with the five Central Asian countries in Central Asia, China currently hopes to further expand the circle of friends through the BRICS.Alliance to compete for the United States and Western countries.

Chen Gang judged that the BRICS has substantial cooperation in terms of finance and de -USD, and its importance cannot be completely ignored.

Mu Dong, a scholar of Shanghai International Relations, analyzed in an interview that the expansion of the BRICS expansion may strengthen the circle of friends and diplomatic, but it will also increase the difficulty of coordination and may lead to the hollow of the substantial cooperation content.

He pointed out that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, led by China, had no direct interest conflict between member states, but after joining India and Pakistan, it was difficult to form consensus on many issues. Even the counter -terrorism as the most important cooperation issue had no consensusEssence

Mu Dong bluntly stated: "BRICS is a clear talks, and after speaking, the relationship between different countries between the five countries is very bad. The relationship between China and India is very bad. Now it has reached a relatively low level of history, soIt is impossible to form a group. "

China -India relations have continued to deteriorate recently.After the host country India decided to hold the Kashmir region as the place where the Twenty Group (G20) tourist group meeting was held, China resisted the meeting last week and expressed its resolute opposition to holding any form of G20 meetings in the territorial dispute areas.

China and India for more than a month have also forced multiple journalists from the other country to leave the country by refusing to issue a visa.

Mu Dong's evaluation, China -India mutual expelling reporters is the "phase end" of the relationship between the two countries that are constantly alienated, symbolizing greater than substantial significance.He pointed out that although India is still "two -footed" between the West and the non -West, it is actually increasingly relying on the United States.

Chen Gang also believes that the high degree of tension between China and India may make the integration of the BRICS countries facing difficulties. "India is a great variable. If the relationship with China has deteriorated, it may withdraw from all of these.International cooperation framework. "

For the BRICS focuses on seeking the currency of the US dollar in international trade this week, Mu Dong analyzed that the actual goal of the BRICS member states on this issue is not the same. At presentLet the United States take more care of its interests and are different from Russia, which has been kicked out of the Western market.

Mu Dong pointed out that only RMB in the currency of the BRICS countries has some competitiveness in the financial order, but the US dollar "is not at all levels", and even the level of the pound and yen has not yet reached. The BRICS has not yet reached.Discuss the "more tools for publicity" for replacing the US dollar.

On the other hand, Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter on Friday that South Africa was considering asking China to hosted the BRICS Leadership Summit in August to resolve the country's dilemma of whether the country faces the Russian President Putin's international arrest warrant.

Mu Dong's analysis, there are examples of the summit before changing the host site. At present, it is not only facing difficulties in South Africa. It is expected that Putin also has concerns to fly to South Africa.From Moscow, it must fly over many countries, and there are also members of other international criminal courts. Putin arranges that transit is quite complicated. It is easier to ensure safety in China.