(Beijing Comprehensive News) In response to the US media reported last week, China proposed an agreement to allow Russia to have some Ukrainian territory.Essence

Comprehensive China ’s official website and China News Service, Li Hui responded at a blower at the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing on Friday that China adhered to an objective and fair position on the Ukrainian crisis, and actively persuaded and promoted talks.Whether in the process of communication with Ukraine, Russia, or EU, China's position has always been clear and clear.

The Wall Street Journal quoted Western officials on May 26 that Li Hui conveyed clear information during his visit to Europe, that is, the United States' allies in Europe should safeguard their autonomy and urge all parties to stop fire immediately, and let Russia control in Ukraine in Ukraine.Part of the area.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Culba responded in the facebook on May 27 that he immediately contacted the European countries he had visited by Li Hui and they denied that Russia had controlled some areas where Russia occupied in Ukraine.

Li Hui said: "The Foreign Minister of Kulba himself clarified, which shows that the Wall Street Journal's false reports are not only completely inconsistent with the facts, but also unpopular. It is obviously provoking the relationship between China and Ukraine."

Li Hui emphasized that China is not a party in Ukraine, and it will not pour fuel.The Ukrainian issue is not a problem between China and Ukraine, between China and Russia, and between China and the European Europe. China is willing to continue to strengthen communication dialogue with all parties to play a constructive role for persuasion and talk.

Li Hui visited Ukraine, Poland, France, Germany, EU headquarters and Russia from May 15th to 26th to political solving the Ukrainian crisis with contacts and exchanges with all parties.