A reporter from the Ji Daily Group of Hubei Daily GroupWhen I went to Bijie, Guizhou, on Tuesday (May 30), they were beaten by the local police, causing a number of media to speak, and also aroused people's concerns about the working environment of the reporter.

The beaten reporter went across the province to interview two local teachers on the same day.Beat it.

After two days of fermentation, the local officials issued a notice on Thursday (June 1) under the pressure of public opinion.The two police auxiliary personnel, the three were finally detained administrative detention for 20, 15 days, and were removed from office and dismissal.Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Malaysia Town was also punished by dismissal.

Ji Mei news reporter went to Guizhou to Guizhou in Guizhou.Bijie interviewed by the local police, the picture shows the broken glasses of the reporter.(Internet)

Many Chinese officials and local media have issued commentary articles to condemn Bijie Police, asking for justice to be fair.The China News Agency's "National Is Over Train" published a comment article on Wednesday stating that beating reporters is a blatant provocation of public opinion supervision.The Red Star News under the Chengdu Media Group commented on the same day that the reporter's interview was violated by the right to know the public.Beijing Daily pointed out on Thursday that beating reporters hurt the spirit of the rule of law.

Hu Xijin, the former editor -in -chief of the Chinese official media, posted a post after the Bijie report was released, "The situation is shocking."one.

However, in the heating up of public opinion, the news involved in Fang Jimu has not spoken positively, making people want to ask, "Can't dare, don't want to, or not?"

China ChinaThe changes in the situation of the reporter

In the condemnation of the public opinion, there is a public account article that "finally a reporter was beaten to be gratifying and congratulatory", because he became "rewarded to good news and not worried about worrying about worrying about worrying.Compared with the drum player ", the reporter was beaten, indicating that its function was not completely lost, and it was" worth being beaten. "

A few years ago, the news that the reporter was beaten was indeed frequent.In 2011, a reporter from Henan Commercial Daily interviewed the Letters and Calls Bureau; in 2014, CCTV reporters interviewed the tunnel to be beaten up to the brain shock; in 2015, a reporter from Guangzhou Nandu confirmed that many officials in Shenzhen police were beaten in the restaurant in Shenzhen.A reporter from the Tiandu Daily was beaten in an interview at the local industrial and commercial bureau; the female reporter of the Harbin Radio and Television was beaten by the director of the local police station in 2016 ...

Although these beating incidents reflected the high -risk nature of the reporter in China in ChinaHowever, on the other hand, it also reflects that reporters who are the benchmarking roles of the journalist industry and investigating disadvantaged cases were still active in China at that time.

In fact, Chinese investigators have had blood in the spring.In 2003, the Southern Metropolis Daily described a report that Hubei Youth Sun Zhigang was eventually sent to the shelter because he was not "temporary residence permit" and was killed after being poisoned and killed.Not only did the reporter reported that the incident, Chen Feng, was selected as the first "Chinese Journalist Fengyun List" in CCTV in the same year. More importantly, the report promoted the government to eventually abolish the collection and distribution system.

It is understood that the industry pioneer and the most popular south of the year reached more than 1.41 million copies per day, and the advertising revenue in the first half of 2003 was 510 million yuan (RMB, the same below, 97 million, 97 millionNew Yuan).

The Hong Kong -side Media quoted a reporter who had worked in the Ministry of News in Nandu that in 2004, the per capita monthly salary of Guangzhou was only 2585 yuan, and he could get 8,000 to 10,000 as a fresh graduate.Dumerical.

China survey reports then ushered in the heyday. Representative works such as the two cases of the 2005 Henan Business Daily reporter Fan Youfeng. Who is the real murderer and restarted the Nie Shubin case that has been restarted for more than ten years; in 2008, Shanghai OrientalMorning Post reporter Jian Guangzhou published an article on the fourteen babies of Gansu's fourteen babies suspected to drink Sanlu milk powder to cause kidney disease, so that the first exposure of this large food safety accident was exposed.Poisoning and death cases.

However, with the transformation of the times and the changes in the political environment, the scope of the topic of China ’s investigation and reports has continued to shrink, and the space for reporters' activities has also been significantly compressed.

According to the report of the reporter's industry's ecological changes under the new media environment released by Guangzhou Sun Yat -sen University at the end of 2017, there were only 175 reporters in China at that time.The loss of talents in the industry is serious. Compared with six years ago, the number of investigators in traditional media was less than half of the number of employees in the industry.

This report pointed out that the decline in the issuance of traditional media, loss of profit, and talent loss are one of the reasons why investigators fall into the predicament of survival.

The rise of the new media Internet industry, a large amount of capital has poured into the air outlet, which has caused traditional media to be unable to compete with the Internet industry in salary, and talents are naturally outflow.According to incomplete statistics, the average starting salary of new media in first -tier cities in China is about 8,000 yuan. Traditional media generally less than 5,000 yuan, while the latter increases and increased at all.

On the other hand, the report also vaguely pointed out that "the environmental changes of public opinion and the strengthening of publicity and reporting in the new period" have led to the competent authorities and governments at all levels to strengthen the media's administrative control, while relatively independent commercial websitesIt is also characterized as "the right of original news interviews."

Under the sharp tightening of public opinion supervision, the breadth and depth of the topic have been greatly limited.A survey report often has to get through multiple levels and break through layers of blockade to have the opportunity to produce.In the Chinese media environment that is generally paid by it, the reporter wrote a manuscript but could not be sent, which directly affected the reporter's income.

China's news industry go downhill?

In the constant public opinion environment, not only the in -depth investigations and disadvantages are increasingly, but the topics presented in the Chinese media are not as good as the society aspects, and the excitement has faded.

For example, a major disaster accident like the "Oriental Star" passenger ship over the "Oriental Star" in 2015, causing 442 people to die. Chinese media can only use Xinhua News Agency's drafts uniformly, and in a piece of "the deceased's rest", "The news hurriedly ended.

The reduction of deep reports of traditional media has accelerated the loss of readers, coupled with the continuous rise of new media, according to the 2020 newspaper fusion and communication index report, including the Beijing News, Beijing Youth Daily, Guangzhou Daily, Yangcheng Evening News, etc.The average daily circulation volume of newspapers at all levels, including 384,000, is not as zero of Nandu during the heyday.

The decline in circulation and advertising volume forced many media groups to transform and integrate, and its paper media have successively announced the suspension.The 2017 Jinghua Times and Oriental Morning Post were suspended; the 2018 Beijing Entertainment Newspaper Fans were suspended from the Xiangtan Evening News; the 2019 Beijing Morning News Daily Heilongjiang Morning Post and other stops were suspended and transformed.

However, in the sorrows of the Chinese media, a few media still invested capital and manpower to insist on conducting in -depth investigations and reporting, and accumulated a stable reputation in the industry to play a benchmark role in the industry.

In the early days of the outbreak of the epidemic in 2020, a large number of excellent Chinese media continued to send people to the front line of the Wuhan epidemic area, interviewed the epidemic tragedy and comedy, conveying the patients, hospitals, and volunteers from the patients, hospitals, and volunteers.The sound also includes the story of Li Wenliang, "blowing whistle", and "sentiment" Aifen.

The Chinese media and the media have been epidemic since three years agoThe outstanding performance in the sentiment has recently been beaten in order to interview, indicating that although the environment is not friendly, even bad and increasingly difficult, but in the large China, there are also news practitioners who adhere to their posts.They recorded the real and vivid "Chinese story", hoping that they would not be remembered when they were beaten.