The Chinese government Eurasian affairs Special representative Li Hui said on Friday (June 2) in the hair dryer that some Western officials said that China has proposed an agreement that allows Russia to have some regional territories in Ukraine.The report is completely inconsistent with the facts.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held the "Milk of the Russian and Ukraine Conflict" on Friday to host the Lingjia Salon Blog in Beijing International Club.Heaven's visit to Europe.

Some reporters asked at the meeting that Wall Street Journal reported that Western officials said that China proposed an agreement to allow Russia to have some regional territory in Ukraine, but we noticed that Ukraine Foreign Minister Culba said that according to him, he was the same as him.In the case of contacts from all parties, no country represents the statements mentioned in the above report. What do you respond to this?

Li Hui responded, I do n’t know who Western officials who do n’t know Wall Street Journal referring to the facts, but the relevant reports do not conform to the facts at all.On the crisis of the Ukrainian issue, China adheres to an objective and fair position, actively persuades and talks, and always stands on peace, dialogue, and fair.

Li Hui also said that China ’s position on the Ukrainian crisis has been widely understood and supported by the international community including Russia and Ukraine.While visiting Ukraine, Li Hui and the delegation communicated with friendly and frank communication with the foreign minister of Ukraine.Wu Fang thanked China for playing an active role in persuasion and talks, persuasion and stop war.The Chinese side calls for respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the principle of the purpose of the United Nations Charter.

Li Hui emphasized: "The Foreign Minister of Kulba himself clarified, indicating that the Wall Street Journal's false reports not only did not fully meet the facts, but obviously provoked the relationship between China and Ukraine." He said that China is not UkraineThe parties to the problem will not do the fuel to pour oil.China and all parties continue to strengthen dialogue to play a constructive role in persuasion and talk.

Li Hui visited Ukraine, Poland, France, Germany, EU headquarters and Russia from May 15th to 26th to communicate with the Ukrainian crisis with all parties.