Special representative of Chinese government Eurasian affairs Li Hui on Friday (June 2) Holding a hair dryer, saying that during the visit to Europe, all parties appreciated China's sincere desire and contributions to promoting peace to resolve the Ukrainian crisis.

According to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Li Hui introduced the foreign ambassador to China on Friday to the foreign ambassador to China.During the period, the leaders of the relevant state leaders and the heads of diplomacy were communicated and exchanged.

Li Hui said that all parties actively evaluated China's persuasion and talked efforts, and appreciated China's sincere desire and contributions to promoting peace to solve the crisis.The current Ukrainian crisis situation is still full of uncertainty. China believes that as long as peace has a hopes, it should be actively working.As long as it is conducive to alleviating the situation and promoting negotiations, China is willing to do it.

He said that China will continue to implement the positions of Chinese President Xi Jinping's "four should", "four commons" and "three -point thinking" and other positions, strengthen conversation with all parties, constantly condense consensus, and constantly condense consensus, and constantly condense consensus, and constantly consolidate consensus.To accumulate mutual trust, promote the formation of greater common divisions, and contribute Chinese wisdom and strength to promote the solution of the Ukraine crisis politics.

Li Hui visited Ukraine, Poland, Germany, France, Belgium, and Russia since the 15th last month to communicate with the Ukrainian crisis with all parties.