China Foreign Minister Hua Chunying, Hua ChunyingOn Tuesday (May 22), five posts were posted in Twitter to respond to the relevant remarks related to China Group (G7) members of the Seven Kingdoms (G7), and asked, "If China is a 'threatened', then those countries of sovereignty start warWhat is the G7 member state that overthrows the legal government of other countries, withdraw from the multilateral treaty, and coerces the other country to cut off the supply chain? "In one of her tweets, she is also equipped with a picture of the" frog at the bottom of the well ".

Hua Chunying wrote in the first tweet: "Some G7 member states claim that China is the biggest threat of global security and prosperity ', is it serious? China is the biggest engine of the global economy (the global economy (the global economy (The contribution rate to its growth exceeds the sum of the G7 member states), which is the main trading partner of more than 140 countries (and regions), or the second largest capital contribution country for peacekeeping operations in the United Nations. "

In the second tweet, she said, "If China is a 'threat', then those G7 members who launch war on the sovereign country, overthrow the legal government of other countries, exit multilateral treaties, and coerce the other countries to cut off the supply chainWhat is the country? The real world will not be brainwashed and deceived. "

Hua Chunying posted pictures in the subsequent tweets.The first picture with the theme of "frog at the bottom of the well" wrote above, "G7 = the world?" The second picture quotes the data of the World Bank World Development Index Database.The contribution rate of economic growth exceeds the sum of G7.The data on the picture show that the contribution rates of China, the United States, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Canada to the growth of world economic growth are 38.6%, 18.6%, 0.9%, 1.8%, 2.1%, 1.2%, 1.2%

The third picture issued by Hua Chunying shows that the total population of G7 countries accounts for 10%of the world's population, and the land area of G7 countries accounts for 16%in the world.

The G7 leader who attended the summit at Hiroshima, Japan issued a statement on Saturday (May 20), saying that countries will issue early warnings through the "economic coordination and coordination platform" and quickly share information.The country will also conduct regular meetings.

The statement does not have any naming countries involving economic coercion, but when the British government explains the new initiative, it directly pointed out that China uses economic strength to coerce Australia and Lithuania to solve the political dispute between each other.

China ’s official Sunday (May 21) criticized the issue of G7 speculation in China, and for this reason, the G7 conference chairman Guo Japan’ s Ambassador to China 垂 <<<<<<<