China Wednesday (May 17) used the Long March No. 3 to carry rockets at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in the morning, and successfully launched the 56th Beidou navigation satellite.The satellite is the Earth's Static Rail Satellite and is the first backup satellite of the China Beidou No. 3 project.

According to the China News Agency, the satellite will access the Beidou satellite navigation system after tracking and completing the rail test.This launch is the launch task for three years after the high -density networking of the Beidou project.

The launch of the satellite will further improve the performance of the system, which is of great significance to promote the special services of the Beidou system and support the application of the Beidou system.

The satellite realizes the inheritance of the existing Earth's Static Rail Satellite, which will enhance the availability and stability of the system, improve the communication capacity of the existing regional short newspapers in the system, and increase the stars to increase the star.Base enhancement and precision single -point positioning service performance can help users achieve fast and high -precision positioning.

The Beidou navigation satellite and supporting carrier rocket launched this time were arrested by the China Space Technology Research Institute and the China Lauding Rocket Technology Research Institute of China Aerospace Technology Group Co., Ltd. respectively.This is the 473th launch of the Long March series of carrier rockets.

On April 2 this year, the 56th satellite of the Beidou navigation system successfully arrived from Beijing to Xichang after completing the work of Beijing Aerospace City.This is the first time that Beidou III satellites have used the large domestic transport-20 large transport aircraft for the whole star transportation.