China Video Platform B, what is the longest playback time?Talking with colleagues about this topic, my colleague guessed: Eat?game?entertainment?cartoon?The answer is wrong.

At the Shanghai Internet Viewing Content Creator Conference last week, Chen Rui, chairman and president of Bilibili, revealed that on the video platform, which is popular with young people in China, the longest content of the playback time turned out to be the longest time.advanced mathematics.

This answer surprised colleagues far away in Singapore.Frankly speaking, even those who often "surf" on the Chinese Internet may be surprised.

However, after this news rushed on Weibo last week, I glanced at netizens' messages. There were so many people who contributed to the high number of playbacks at station B.Not only are high numbers, but also people go online to learn programming, English, chemistry, criminal law, etc. Many netizens tease their graduates of "station B university".

Stations B, which started with two -dimensional content and barrage culture, have become a platform for young people to learn culture. It has to make people feel that where Chinese youths are lying flat, don't be too rolled.

The word

inner volume "has been very hot in China in recent years. Discussing around this topic one after another, especially among young people.In all aspects of Chinese society, competition is full of competition. In the moment when the economic growth, the downturn in the employment market, and the difficulty of finding the rice bowl, in the face of the reality of "graduation and unemployment", the pressure of college students can be imagined. If you don't want to be abandoned by the society, you have to be abandoned."Volume".

Maybe it is a self -deprecation, maybe it is vent. On the online social platforms that young people gather, a wave of "Kong Yiji Literature" recently set off.

"Education is not only knocking on the stepping tiles, but also a high platform that I can't get off, but also the gown that Kong Yiji can't get rid of it".The inner monologue of scholars was reposted in large quantities on the Internet and resonated.

Young people compare themselves to this poor and sour older readers in Lu Xun's writing, and feel that they still can't find their favorite jobs when they "put on a gown".High or low or embarrassing situations are part of the reason why young people themselves, but they can't get rid of the factors of the times.

This group of young people who compare "Kong Yiji" are mostly born and grew up and grew up in a period of high economic growth in China, which is the era of official "richness".However, after decades of high -speed development, China has become the world's second largest economy, and its growth rate has already passed the peak.When this group of people entered the society, whether it is the accumulation of wealth, income improvement, or the speed of opportunity, it is not as good as before.

Three years of tossing during the epidemic period hurt the economy.Although China has entered the post -epidemic era, the rebound of revenge is just "short sweet" in many economists.What is even more worrying is that the "long tail effect" that affects the economy began to appear.

There are more monks in the employment market, especially the high unemployment rate of young people, which is one of the "long tail effects".The latest data released by the official Tuesday (May 16) issued a warning. In April, the unemployment rate of labor survey from 16 to 24 has broken the 19.9 % high of last summer, up to a historical high of 20.4 %.

Don't forget that the graduation season of Chinese universities has not yet arrived, and this year China will have 11.58 million fresh college graduates, an increase of more than 800,000 compared with 2022, a record high; if they are returned to the country, China has more than 12.5 million college graduates this year. If calculated at a 20.4 % unemployment rate, it means that of these college students who are about to leave the campus, more than 2.55 million people will face the dilemma of no work after entering the society.

These cold numbers, for each individual, especially the generation of people who just started their long careers, have the influence and specific.In the context of the serious employment market, the Chinese official media reported earlier this month that on the eve of the May 4th Youth Festival, the CCP leaders wrote a letter to college students, affirming that young people "walked into the countryside China" and encouraged young people to "find hard food".Essence

Some public opinion immediately thought of decades ago. Because of the solution to the employment of young people, China carried out the mighty "knowledge youth to go to the countryside and go to the countryside."

In other words, compared with that era, China ’s economy is much huge and tough, and there are more ways to attract employment than that time, and the possibility of re -acting in history is not much high.After the "Kong Yiji Literature" became popular, the Chinese official media also emphasized that "the era of Kong Yiji is gone, and contemporary young people will never be trapped in a gown."

The transfer of labor from the city to the countryside is no longer the only way to solve the unemployment of young people today.Market -based reforms to revitalize the economy and restore the confidence of market entities.

The era of Kong Yiji may have been gone, but the concerns of the "epidemic generation" for their future are also real.It is precisely such pressure that prompts them to desperately roll in the students during the student. Once they find that the inside is useless, they have to use "Kong Yiji Literature" to project the sense of loss of the era.Whether this anxiety will further expand with the weak economic and the unemployment rate, it will become a factor in social instability, and it must be vigilant.