China's first single female frozen egg case opened on Tuesday (May 9) in the second trial of the Beijing Third Intermediate People's Court in the afternoon of the afternoon, and brought the discussion about the fertility of single women into a public vision again.

Although the case has not been pronounced in court, the plaintiff Xu Zaozao (pseudonym) can be allowed to be freezing eggs more than four years later, and whether this case can promote the revision of relevant regulations in China and open the reproductive assistance of single women to use frozen eggs such as frozen eggs.Technology is still the focus of Chinese netizens' attention and controversy.

China who has become a "first -class event" in today's children, on the other hand, is the autonomy of women who have the autonomy of the body and fertility, and on the other hand, this technology may bring medical and social problems.It doesn't look so simple.

The significance of China's first single female frozen egg case

According to Chinese media such as the Beijing News and Surging News, Xu Zaozao, born in 1988, sought frozen egg services to Beijing Maternity and Gynecology Hospital (referred to as "Beijing Maternity Hospital") in 2018.After checking and determining that she was in good health, the hospital refused to provide services on the grounds that she was a single identity and non -medical frozen eggs.After being rejected, Xu Zaozao brought the Beijing Maternity Hospital to court in March 2019 with a "general personality dispute".

Xu Zaozao believes that the hospital refuses to implement the suspected gender discrimination against single women, violating the relevant regulations of the Women's Rights Protection Law on the equality of men and women, eliminating discrimination against women's form of women, and infringe on their general personality rights.According to the current Chinese regulations, men can donate or save sperm regardless of whether they are single or married.

Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital advocates a series of physiological and social problems that may be caused by freezing eggs for delaying fertility. According to the requirements of regulations, regulations and technical norms formulated in order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of women and children, cannot provide single.Frozen eggs.

The case was opened for the first time in December 2019. The judge believes that the case involves more medical legal policies, ethics, and frozen egg technology issues, and it is difficult to make judgments in court.In July 2022, the first trial of Xu Zaozao was rejected, and Xu Zaozao chose to appeal.

Xu Zaozao said that in addition to protecting his rights and interests, he also hopes to use this case to give single women the opportunity to exercise their autonomy and fertility autonomy, and hope that society can be more tolerant of women's fertility choices for women.More supportive, I hope the relevant policies will be more perfect.

Xu Zaozao said that in addition to protecting their rights and interests, they also hope that single women will have the opportunity to exercise their body autonomy and fertility autonomy.The picture shows Xu Zaozao's interview with Chinese media before the trial.(Reuters)

Data show that although the Chinese civil law does not make a ban on unmarried female frozen eggs, the former Ministry of Health (now the National Health and Health Commission) in 2001 has limited the service providers in the human assisted reproductive technology specifications.That is, "prohibits couples and single women who do not comply with national population and family planning regulations and regulations to implement human auxiliary reproductive technology."

The management measures for human assisted reproductive technology released in the same year are also clear that "only women with malignant tumors can take out the eggs and freeze the eggs before radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and infertility."

Those who support open frozen eggs believe that this set of regulations was born more than 20 years ago. With the changes in technological progress and demand, it is now outdated.It is also believed that if Xu Zaozao's lawsuits have won the lawsuit, cases will be provided for revised specifications.

However, for Xu Zaozao, who is about to be 35 years old, the case wins the case, and it is related to whether she can keep her eggs and the opportunity to postpone fertility.After the second instance, she told the Chinese media that after four years apart, her eggs can still be frozen eggs. "If this time I can win the lawsuit, I will continue to choose to go to Beijing Maternal and Gynecological Hospital for freezing eggs." At the same timeAs a result, she may choose to go abroad for frozen eggs.

In Chinese social media, netizens have different evaluations of this lawsuit: Some people have lamented that frozen egg technology has matured for so many years, and cases about single women's frozen eggs are still the first case;The appeal is brave voice for women's rights.

Other people believe that Xu Zaozao is too "bars" in this matter: if you really want to freeze eggs, just like many people to freeze abroad?

Frozen eggs are women's "regrets"?

Although it is not legal, the topic of single women's frozen eggs is not unfamiliar to the Chinese people.In 2015, Xu Jinglei, a well -known actress and director of China, publicly stated that when he was 39 years old, he frozen nine eggs in the United States and preserved as much room for fertility in fertility.

China's well-known actress and director Xu Jinglei publicly stated in 2015 that he had frozen nine eggs in the United States.At that time, the pretty avant -garde speech made Xu Jinglei the "first person in frozen eggs" in the Chinese entertainment industry.(Internet)

Xu Jinglei described in an exclusive interview with Vista that frozen eggs were "the only regret medicine in the world."She believes that frozen eggs are regrets that can be prepared in advance, but it is also limited by age. "It is gone at a age."

This pretty avant -garde speech at the time made Xu Jinglei the "first person in frozen eggs" in the Chinese entertainment industry.Later, the media also exposed mainland actresses such as Li Bingbing, Ye Xuan, as well as Hong Kong artists such as Shiman, A Sa (Cai Zhuoyan), and Rong Zuer, and Rong Zuer.

After the star effect enables the frozen eggs to enter the public's sight, the Chinese Internet and the media can often see that women have anonymous sharing of the experience of freezing eggs in the United States, which has also spawned many related intermediary service agencies.The China Auxiliary Reproductive Research Report released by Ren Zeping, a well -known economist in China, also showed that more than 60 % of the investigators hope to preserve fertility through frozen eggs. Among them, 30 to 34 -year -old groups have the highest willingness to have a higher willingness to have high education.

In this context, people who support the open single female frozen eggs believe that this is a respect and guarantee for women's fertility power. It can also help women balance their personal career development and family responsibilities, allowing them to be more capable of raising children to raise childrenTime to give birth.They also proposed that even if unmarried frozen eggs are illegal in China, people with willingness and financial resources can choose to perform surgery overseas and cannot prohibit, but after opening, more people will allow more people to enjoy the options brought by scientific and technological progress.

However, even in the United States, which is fully and legal in frozen eggs, disputes that surround the feasibility and effectiveness of frozen eggs still exist.

Data show that a woman takes two to three weeks each time for women. The steps include the ovulation -filled needle to promote more follicles. After the follicles are mature, they will break the egg needle to help the eggs mature. After about 35 hours, after about 35 hoursThrough the general hemp surgery, take 10 to 20 mature eggs by piercing, and then use liquid nitrogen for freezing to complete.

Disputes in the United States, which is fully and legal in frozen eggs, still exist around the feasibility and effectiveness of frozen eggs.Women take the eggs for two to three weeks each time, and the steps are cumbersome, and there may be side effects in each stage.The picture shows an egg retrieval operation in a hospital in Singapore in 2022.(Lianhe Morning Post Figure)

According to the New York Times, the average cost of egg retrieval is between 8,500 and $ 1,400 (about S $ 11,000), and egg storage costs are around $ 500 per year.It is reported that although scientists have been studying the technology that can freeze and thaw eggs since the 1990s, in 2012, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine moved frozen eggs out of "experimental therapy".The category allows medical insurance to cover relevant costs.

In addition to not low costs, egg retrieval also has certain side effects, including but not limited to bleeding and infection during surgery, side effects brought by anesthesia, and the impact of hormones contained in ovulation needles on women's bodies.

Reporting describes that although freezing eggs are no longer "experimental therapy", it is not a "universal medicine" for fertility.A 2022 survey research shows that among the 500 survey objects, the success rate of the offspring by frozen eggs is only about 39%; however, when frozen eggs, the age is less than 38 years old and thawed more than 20 eggs at one time.(That is, at least two frozen egg cycles are required), the success rate can rise to about 70%.

The official website of the American College of Obestricians and Gynecologists also clearly states that frozen eggs are mainly prepared for women who may affect fertility due to cancer treatment. There is not enough experimental data to support it.Choose frozen eggs.

solve the problem, or make more problems?

Some people who oppose the open frozen eggs believe that people who choose frozen eggs now will choose surrogacy when they are older but want to have childbirth.Promote the combination of surrogacy.

For example, Xu Jinglei publicly stated in 2017 that she would choose to have surrogacy to fertilize, causing controversy in public opinion; and Chinese actress Zheng Shuang was also blocked in China for controversy in China.Compared with frozen eggs, it is clearly defined as illegal surrogacy controversy, and the ethics and ethics involved are more complicated.

It is believed that the legalization of frozen eggs may lead to the rise of surrogacy.Surrogacy is illegal in mainland China, and its ethics and ethics and social problems that are possible are more complicated.(Strait Times Schematic diagram)

When the National Health and Health Commission responded to the relevant inquiries in 2021, it was also clearly stated that it will be provided as a commodity beyond medical indicators and the auxiliary reproductive technology such as frozen eggs as products to health groups.abuse.

However, Liu Xin, director of the Medical Law and Ethics Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, said in an interview with Chinese Red Star News in March 2023 that frozen eggs and surrogacy are two different things.The method is advanced. "

Liu Xin believes that many women are currently facing workplace pressure and finding suitable spouses difficult, but they may not refuse to get married and have children in the future.Women agree again, then I think I can do it. "

Interestingly, when Liu Xin was interviewed by the Rule of Law Daily two years ago, his attitude was completely opposite to now.In an interview in January 2021, he said that after legalizing single women's frozen eggs, there will be more problems. For example, after a single woman frozen eggs may stimulate the rise of surrogacy, "must not simply make single women's frozen eggs legal simply."

What promotes many people to change attitudes like Liu Xin. Under the huge social and fertility pressure, China's fertility rate and fertility will continue to decline in recent years, and the problem of population safety is imminent.A survey announced this year shows that Chinese women have a rapid increase in their lifetime, from 6.1%in 2015 to nearly 10%in 2020. The decline in the population of China's population is also significantly faster than previous expectations. In 2022, it was recorded.For the first time in more than 60 years, the population has grown negatively.

Under the huge social and fertility pressure, China's fertility rate and fertility will continue to decline in recent years. China has also recorded the negative growth of the first population in more than 60 years in 2022.The picture shows in March of this year, Zhejiang medical staff took care of a newborns.(Agence France -Presse)

In recent years, many representatives of many celebrities and members of the CPPCC have successively proposed proposals that allow unmarried women to give birth and liberalize unmarried women for frozen eggs.At the meeting of the 20th CPC Central Committee of the Communist Party of China last week, it was also clear that it is necessary to establish and improve the fertility support policy system to promote the construction of a maternity -friendly society to maintain a moderate fertility level and population scale.

For Chinese childcare women who continue to decline in fertility, frozen eggs will undoubtedly provide them with one chance to both and the country: because the economic pressure of children is too large, and women who choose to fertility when they are young have "regrets regrets"Opportunities, and this should also have positive help for improving the overall fertility rate of the country.

Of course, if freezing eggs are open without restrictions, it will inevitably bring social problems such as hidden health, commercial risks, and ethical and morality.How to avoid "scrapping food" and making full use of this technology and benefiting all parties need official consideration.