In response to Tesla's recent price increase in the Chinese market, Cui Dongshu, Secretary -General of the China Passenger Federation, said on Tuesday (May 9) that Tesla's price increase is a good signal, reflecting the car, reflecting the car, reflecting the car, reflecting the car, reflecting the car, reflecting the car, reflecting the car, reflecting the car, reflecting the car, reflecting the car, reflecting the car, reflecting the car, reflecting the car, reflecting the car, reflecting the car, reflecting the car, reflecting the car, which reflects the car.Enterprises' attention to business quality is conducive to improving consumption and watching mentality.Let consumers get out of expectations of excessive expectations and restore the normal purchase rhythm.

According to the surging news report, Cui Dongshu said that the automotive industry now belongs to a serious low -profit industry.According to data from the Federation of Federation, the revenue of the automotive industry from January to March 2023 was 2.14 trillion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 410 billion), an increase of 1%year -on -year; the cost was 1.87 trillion yuan, an increase of 3%; profit81.9 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 24%; the profit margin of the automotive industry was 3.8%, which was lower than the average level of 4.9%of the profit margin of the entire industrial enterprise.

From the car market in April, the automotive industry is gradually getting out of the impact of the price war.According to data from the Federation of Federation, the retail sales of the passenger car market in April 2023 were 1.63 million units. Due to the impact of the epidemic in the same period last year, the year -on -year growth rate was 55.5%, an increase of 2.5%month -on -month.One of the positive growth.

Cui Dongshu said that because March is a quarterly node and a period of procurement concentration, the retail performance in March is generally better than April.The month -on -month growth in April this year further proves the market recovery.

In terms of new energy vehicles, the retail sales of new energy vehicles in April were 527,000, an increase of 85.6%year -on -year, and a decrease of 3.6%from the previous month.; Domestic retail penetration rate was 32.3%, an increase of 6.6 percentage points from 25.7%in the same period last year.Among them, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in independent brands was 56.5%; the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in luxury vehicles was 23.8%; while the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in mainstream joint venture brands was only 4.4%.

The analysis of the Federation of Federation believes that the price war in April gradually faded down, the distributor's panic mentality gradually stabilized, consumers resumed rational consumption, and the needs of watching emotions was relieved.The demand for the "small long holiday travel vehicles increased, and the overall car market was stabilizing and restored.

Looking for the market outlook, Cui Dongshu said that under the dual effects of the overall market heating and the low base of the overall market, there will be a corresponding growth.At the same time, he also mentioned that in this year's economic recovery, the consumption demand of entry -level models is still insufficient.

The executive meeting of the State Council of China deployed on May 5 to accelerate the construction of charging infrastructure to support the revitalization of new energy vehicles to go to the countryside and rural villages.Cui Dongshu said that with the increasingly clear policy orientation of new energy vehicles, the development potential of economic electric vehicles will gradually reflect.He introduced that at the beginning of the year, Wuling Hongguang MINI and other models performed sluggish, reflecting the decline in the demand for county and township. In the future, with the improvement of basic charging facilities, economy electric vehicles will inevitably resume the trend of the county and township consumption needs.In addition, the demand for China's new energy vehicle export international market is mainly based on economy -oriented electric vehicles.

However, Cui Dongshu also mentioned that the new energy vehicle will also beware of the situation of inferior coins to expel good coins. Low -speed electric vehicles are the "old man music" that daily.Obvious price advantages, but at the same time, it is not strictly supervised and reasonable.He pointed out that manufacturers need to lay out products that are suitable for rural markets, and do not allow "old man music" to occupy this market space.

The Tesla China website showed on May 5 that the new Model S/X prices rose by 19,000 yuan, which is the second price of Tesla China to enter May.On May 2nd, Tesla China announced that the prices of the two models of Model 3/Y were raised, and the price of all models rose by RMB 2,000.