Wang Chongxian, Director of the Security Coordination Department of the China Emergency Management Department, pointed out on Wednesday (May 10) that the current national safety production situation is extremely severe and complicated, especially in Inner Mongolia's Alashan left flag "22" open -air coal mine collapse accidentAnd the "April" fire accident in Changfeng Hospital of Beijing Fengtai, causing major casualties, seriously impacted the people's sense of security and happiness.

Comprehensive Red Star News and Surging News reports, Wang Chongxian introduced at a press conference held by the Emergency Management Department that since this year, the total number of production safety accidents and large accidents in the country have continued to decline, but as they follow, as they have continued to decline, but as they follow, as they have continued to decline, but as they follow, as they have continued to decline, but as they follow, as they have continued to decline, but as they are, as they have continued to decline, but as they have continued to decline, but as they are declining, but as they continueThe epidemic prevention and control is steadily converted, enterprises have been fully resumed, and various uncertain factors have increased significantly, and many major accidents have occurred.

Li Haowen, the Safety Production Supervisory Commissioner of China Emergency Management, said in the same occasion that the recent safety production situation said that in some regions in response to the economic development challenges of the epidemic, the red line of the safe bottom line is not kept;Benefits, pursuit of speed, illegal and illegal forgotten.

Li Haowen reported that as of May 9, the number of accidents and deaths from the year this year fell by 33.7%and 26.1%, respectively, and the number of accidents and deaths decreased by 11.5%and 3.4%year -on -year.However, the major accidents have rebounded, mainly because the traditional high -risk industry accidents are more concentrated. A particularly major accident occurred in coal mines. In major accidents, there are three construction industries and two chemical industry. Road transportation and industry and trade are each."It shows that these traditional and high -risk industries are still the focus of safety rectification. In addition, there are many major risk -related accidents in other industries."

According to public information, especially major accidents refer to death more than 30 people.Either more than 100 serious injuries (including acute industrial poisoning), or 100 million yuan (RMB, about S $ 20 million) or more direct economic losses.

In addition, the direct causes of the accident are more concentrated.Li Haowen said that the two major fire accidents in Cangzhou, Hebei Cangzhou and the "4.17" in Zhejiang Jinhua, were caused by illegal welding operations. This was exactly the same as that of the "11 · 21" in Anyang, Henan last year.In addition, major accidents have recently occurred in Shandong Liaocheng Company, a subsidiary of Beijing Fengtai Hospital and Sinochem Group.

He pointed out that these accidents reflected that in some regions in response to the economic development challenges after the epidemic, the ideas of the people's supreme and life first have no trees, the red line of the safe bottom line is not kept, development and safety are two pieces, development and safetyThere is no coordination of major events, and even the development is only regardless of safety.

At the same time, it reflects that there are still a big gap in some regions and units in grasp of implementation, the safety production responsibility is suspended, and the quality of safety risks is not high.The normal production safety procedures and techniques, the safety on -site management is chaotic, and the law and the rules are forgotten; it also reflects the "looseness and softness" of the safety supervision and law enforcement, and the spirit of resolute struggle with illegal and illegal acts is insufficient.

It is understood that the overall plan of the 2023 action of major accidents in major accidents in the country was issued at the end of April this year.Special investigation and rectification operations are divided into four stages: mobilization deployment, self -examination of enterprise self -inspection and departmental assistance, accurate law enforcement of the department, and summarizing and improving.Grasp the "three levels" and "four outstanding".

Refined deployment from the "three levels".First, at the level of enterprise, the main person in charge should implement the main responsibility of the investigation and rectification of the hidden dangers of the accident, and study and organize the investigation and rectification of major accidents in the enterprise.The focus of rectification, etc.; The third is the level of the party committee and government. It has learned and implemented the 15 hard measures for safety production one by one, and quickly formulated a special action work plan in the region.

Wang Chongxian said that compared with the past, this special operation has "four outstanding".The first is to highlight the "major hidden dangers" to carry out investigation and rectification.The second is to highlight the "key minority" and pay close attention to the implementation of all staff.The third is to highlight the "first gift and then soldiers" to improve the quality of the investigation and rectification.The fourth is to highlight the strong willingness and ability of "mechanism innovation" to improve problems and solve problems.