In response to the controversy of procurement of coronary vaccine, Hou Youyi, the mayor of New Taipei, criticized that the central government of Taiwan has no ability to procure vaccines, causing the people to fall into the deep water.He also emphasized that government governance cannot be affected by ideology.

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, Hou Youyi accepted a joint media visit in the New Taipei City Parliament on Wednesday (May 10). When talking about the vaccine problem, I remember that the epidemic was very severe at that time.Without the ability ", everyone remembers the people in the deep water.At that time, Guo Taiming, the founder of civil society, people, TSMC, Tzu Chi, and Hon Hai, was willing to come forward and contribute to money.

He said, no matter what the process results, they are grateful.In the process of governance, the government must take the interests of the people as the greatest priority. Especially the most critical time of the people's lives, it must not be affected by ideology and should take good care of the people of Taiwan.

Guo Taiming revealed on Facebook on Tuesday (May 9) to reveal part of the purchase of the BNT vaccine in Facebook, referring to the severe crown disease in Taiwan in May 2021. Many people died every day.He expressed his willingness to purchase vaccines and communicated with the then Secretary -General of the Presidential Palace countless times.But on June 17 of the same year, he received a call from Li Dawei to inform: "This young lady (Cai Yingwen) said, don't buy it."

But in this statement, Li Dawei will publish through the sea base.The statement denied the content of the conversation with Guo Taiming that "this young lady said, you still don't buy it."Li Dawei also said that Guo Taiming said these words for the election.