Reuters quoted three sources that China ’s largest sources revealed that China’ s largest sources have revealed that China ’s largest sources have revealed that China’ s largest sources have revealed that China ’s largest sources have revealed that China’ s largest sources have revealed that China ’s largest sources are the largest in China.CICC Capital, a subsidiary of investment banks, decided to stop using Capvision services because some financial companies are reviewing their relationships with the leading enterprise in the Chinese consulting industry.

According to reports, in a internal memorandum released on Tuesday (May 9), the research department of CICC Capital said that all their teams will prohibit all teams from using Kaisheng Rongying services to conduct due diligence related expertsTelephone and query.

Memorandum shows that the ban will take effect immediately and add that its team should check the previous transactions with Kaisheng Rongying.

Sources said that CICC's investment team was also banned from using the service of Kaisheng Rongying.

CICC Capital Management Private Equity Fund and Mother Fund. As of the end of 2022, the asset size managed by was 360 billion yuan (about S $ 68.9 billion).

China CCTV reported on Monday (May 8) that recently, the Chinese national security department has public laws on the office of the leading enterprise of the consulting industry, Kaisheng Rongying, in Shanghai, Beijing, Suzhou, and Shenzhen.

CCTV said that Kaisheng Rongying accepted the consultation of overseas companies to consulted sensitive industries. Some companies were closely related to foreign governments, military, and intelligence agencies.And intelligence.

Kaisheng's English website shows that its headquarters is located in New York and Shanghai.

Bloomberg reported that China launched a anti -spy movement, the latest goal is to target the consulting company.

Earlier, the employees of the Shanghai Office of the United States Consulting Company Bain were questioned by relevant Chinese departments, and the five employees of the US due diligence company Mingz Group in Beijing were detained.

The Shanghai American Chamber of Commerce stated on Tuesday (May 9) that it was worried about the reports of the US due to due diligence and consulting companies in China, and called on the Chinese governmentEssence