Since the establishment of the city in Shenzhen, China Southern City has fallen for the first time since setting up the city in 1979.Data show that Shenzhen's permanent population was 17,661,800 in 2022, a decrease of 19,800 people from 2021.

Comprehensive surging news, daily economic news, and interface news reports, the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Statistics on Monday (May 8) released the statistical bulletin of the National Economic and Social Development of 2022 in Shenzhen, saying that the city of Shenzhen was 2022At the end of the year, the permanent population was 17,661,800.This scale decreased by 19,800 compared to 17,681,600 in 2021.

According to the public information, this is the first negative growth of the population since the establishment of the city in Shenzhen in 1979.

It is reported that the resident population in Shenzhen in 2021 increased by 121,500 compared with 2020.In the past 10 years, the population of Shenzhen has increased by more than 7 million, an average annual increase of 5.35%.

For the first time in Shenzhen's population declined, Chinese population scholar He Yafu analyzed that due to the impact of the crown disease epidemic in 2022, the demand for employment in some industries has declined, which has led to some foreign -provincial workers returning to their hometown.

He pointed out that the tightening of the settlement policy since 2021 is one of the reasons for the decline in the local population.

In May 2021, Shenzhen has successively issued a number of regulations (drafts for comments) and Shenzhen residential social security points (drafts for comments).Among them, the bottom line requirements of approved academic qualifications are adjusted to full -time undergraduates, and technical talent bottom line requirements are adjusted to "intermediate title+full -time college".The basic years of legal and stable living in Shenzhen will be adjusted from five years to 10 years.

Similar to Shenzhen, Foshan, Guangdong also reduced the population scale in 2022, and the permanent population decreased by 60,300.From the perspective of the province, in 2022, the resident population of Guangdong Province decreased by 272,000, and the migrant population outside the province decreased by 692,000.The official website of the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Statistics explained that under the influence of the factors of the Guangdong epidemic in 2022, the migrant population outside the province temporarily returned to home.