A pair of mother -in -law in Zhejiang Scenic Area suspected to have caused hot discussions on the entire network. Later, some merchants spoofed the image of the two into emoji.It is said that the "translation and cutting line" can cause discussions on civilization, but they cannot be lost, they cannot be missed, and they cannot slip to the edge of illegal.The article pointed out that the merchants should be condemned by profit, and the platform should be condemned in silence.

People's Daily pointed out in the article that it is not difficult to judge whether to cut into the team or change the team.An important reason for the reason why this incident has formed in the public opinion field is that the public is quite disgusted with the behavior of the closure, especially the words that are still cheerful and chattering after the closing line are even more resistant.But now, the image of the two parties is made into an emoji package, a car sticker, etc., so ugly, they need to be vigilant.

The article says that it is a creative car sticker, which is a malicious car sticker.Throughout these cars, the content is a portrait of two people, and then with the words "I want to cut in line, we are not easy to mess with!" The direction is obviously clear.

The article pointed out that if the woman involved was taken into line, of course, it should be criticized. However, they can criticize them that they cannot storm them online, and they cannot stigmatize them.Create comics to satire them, to grasp the degree.It is a legal adventure to make their image into an emoji package and sell it online.

The article quotes the Chinese Civil Code clearly stipulates that it is not allowed to use insults to degrade the reputation of others.Specific to this incident, as a natural person, the two of the mother -in -law enjoyed the right to portrait and reputation, and their legitimate rights and interests were protected by law.Making emoticons spoof them, and violates the law through stunning words.

If some netizens ridiculed them, and even more pointed words degraded them, it is unconscious, then merchants who sell their emoticons on the relevant platforms consciously consume them.Regardless of the people who make emoticons or those who sell their emoticons, they should bear the corresponding responsibilities.

The article questioned, why can such abominable car stickers be sold online?This kind of product obviously infringes on the rights and interests of others and is a problem product. Why is it not prohibited?This must not help but mention platform responsibilities.As a platform, we should fulfill the responsibility of the main body to keep the soil responsibility.If you open your eyes and close your eyes, or even turn a blind eye, it will objectively encourage and play a disgraceful role.

The article says that the merchants should be condemned by profit, and the platform should also be condemned.For merchants, products or services that are not allowed to sell or provide laws or administrative regulations for transactions are the bottom line requirements.For the platform, once it is found that merchants sell illegal products, necessary disposal measures should be taken according to law and reported to relevant competent departments. This is also the bottom line requirement, and it is written into the e -commerce law.The article finally called for the relevant platforms to take responsibility as soon as possible and remove the problem products as soon as possible.

During the May Day, two female tourists were blocked on the spot after the intervening in the film and television city of Hengdian, Zhejiang, and scolded other tourists on the spot."Injury" caused online discussions, and two tourists were also underworld.Soon, products with vulgar two people appeared on the platform on the platform.